Category Archives: Crime Watch Updates

DPD District 3 Criminal Investigations Weekly Newsletter


This is the District 3 Criminal Investigations weekly newsletter.

Ladarriea King 9/11/92                             Jermaine Toomer 1/7/95

Ladarriea King_09121992                                        Jermaine Toomer_01071995

District 3 Investigators obtained warrants on Ladarriea King and Jermaine Toomer charging them with one count each of Robbery with a Dangerous Weapon, Felony Conspiracy, Conspiracy to Commit Armed Robbery, Second Degree Kidnapping, Assault by Pointing a Gun and possession of stolen property. These two robbed one of Hispanic citizens while he was walking from his car on Mayfair Street. They pointed a gun to his head and demanded money. After the robbery they ran toward an apartment on Mayfair Street and Durham Police were already in the area and responded immediately. Information lead the police to an apartment where they located both suspects and the victims possessions where in their position along with a stolen firearm. Further investigation revealed that Toomer was on the Federal Fugitive Task Force list of absconders from justice. Toomer had somehow circumvented his ankle monitoring system causing it to stop working and the probation and parole authorities were unable to track him. Both suspects have extensive criminal histories and both were on probation. Well we definitely know where they are now, because both now reside with the Sheriff at the Durham County Jail. King has a $150,000.00 bond and Toomer has a $415,000.00 bond.

Calvin Chavis (1/30/1992)                        Charles Vadjl

Calvin Chavis_01301992                                Charles Vadjl

On 3.9.16, Durham Police Officers responded to the 900 block of Parkridge Road in reference to a burglary in progress.  They made contact with the victim who told them that two black males (later identified as Chavis and Vadjl) had knocked on his door and went back to their car a black Dodge Charger. The victim said that he walked up and asked them if they had knocked his door and they told him that they were looking for someone else. The victim said that he went back in his apartment but felt that this incident was suspicious so he walked around to the back of his apartment and saw the same suspects trying to break into his enclosed screen porch. The suspects saw the victim and ran back to their car. The victim gave chase and the suspects tried to hit him with their car. The victim was able to give the police a description of the suspects. The suspects were stopped by police a short time later on South Roxboro Street. The suspects were arrested and charged with Felony B&E to a residence, Possession burglary tools, Injury to personal property, Possession of Marijuana, Felony Conspiracy, Assault with a deadly weapon, B&E to Motor Vehicle. Chavis was also charged with a probation violation and is now in the Durham County Jail under a $60,000.00 bond. Vadjl is also in the Durham County Jail under a $50,000.00 bond. The investigation is ongoing.

Continue to report suspicious persons and activities but PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT TO APPREHEND SUSPECTS!!! ALL SUSPECTS SHOULD BE CONSIDERED ARMED AND DANGEROUS! Just call the police and give the communicator a description of what and you have seen and don’t worry we will take it from there I promise.

We have experienced an upswing in B&E’s to Motor Vehicles throughout the district. The majority of the vehicles have been unlocked and valuables were in plain sight. Please secure your valuables and make sure your cars are locked before you leave it.

Don’t be an easy target…

Until next time, be safe and be aware.


Sergeant K.L. Johnson
Durham Police Department
Criminal Investigations Division
District 3
8 Consultant Place
Durham, North Carolina 27707
919-560-4583 ext 29359 (Office)
919-907-9810 (City Cell)

Notice, PAC-3 Monthly Meeting March 12

To All District 3 Neighbors,

Please join us this Saturday, March 12, from 10 am to noon for our monthly PAC3 meeting. The meeting is held at 1309 Halley Street, Durham, NC 27707 (Community Family Life & Recreation Center at Lyon Park.)

This meeting provides a wealth of information and is a great forum for citizens to interact the with law enforcement and other Durham City and County departments.  If you have a neighborhood concern, bring it!  If you’ve never been to a PAC 3 meeting, come see what you’re missing!

The meeting agenda will include:

Guest Speaker: Aaron Cain,AICP, Planning Supervisor, City-County Planning Dept.
Topic: The planning principles, regulations and processes in Durham. Learn how you can inform planning procedures? How are development decisions made?

Police and City Department Reports: As always the meeting will include reports from various City Departments and our District 3 Commander, Capt Robert Gaddy,Jr., offering you the opportunity to voice your concerns, questions and comments.

*** Neighborhood Listserv Moderators: Please forward to your neighborhood listserv or website.
Join us this Saturday. We look forward to seeing you.

PAC3 Co-Facilitators
JoAnn Comis 919-225-5176
Mike Mayo  973- 722-4772 


DPD PAC-3 Criminal Investigations Newsletter

This is the District 3 Criminal Investigations weekly newsletter.

Derashio Devonte Wison 9/30/95                      Montre Jeavontea Cates 7/1/99

Derashio Devonte Wison_09301995                                                               Montre Jeavontea Cates_07011999

After an extensive investigation, District 3 Investigators obtained warrants on Derashio Wilson and Montre Cates this week. Our investigation revealed that Wilson and Cates are part of a group of unknown black males who robbed several people in District 3 between the dates of January 3, 2016 thru February 7, 2016. The victims were all Asian and Hispanic and they were all walking through the parking lot of their residences (usually apartments) during hours of darkness (usually between 9:00 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. on Tuesday and Friday) when they were approached by Wilson and Cates who were brandishing handguns and threatening to shoot them if the victims did not give them money and cell phones.  Our investigators were able to link forensic evidence left on one of the scene along with other corroborated information to obtain warrants. Wilson and Cates we charged with 4 counts each of Robbery with a Dangerous Weapon, Conspiracy to Commit Armed Robbery and Possession of a Firearm By a Felon. Both suspects were arrested by the Durham County Sheriff Department and charged with additional charges. Both suspects are now residing in the Durham County Jail. Wilson is under a $785,000.00 and Cates is under a $500,000.00 bond.

It’s looks like the magistrates are finally hearing you all and they are starting to give these bad guys high bonds so that they can’t get back out on the streets so quickly and continue to be a menace to our community and threaten our citizens. Thank you to those who voice your protest and devote your time and energy to court watch your work is making a difference.

And thank you for your overwhelming assistance with the IRS scam. The information you gave me was very valuable. The IRS Investigators are aware of the scam and are currently investigating. I will keep you posted.

Until next time, be safe and call us if you see suspicious activities or persons in your community. You phone call help us to develop suspects and abate crime in our city.


Sergeant K.L. Johnson
Durham Police Department
Criminal Investigations Division
District 3
8 Consultant Place
Durham, North Carolina 27707
919-560-4583 ext 29359 (Office)
919-907-9810 (City Cell)

District 3 Criminal Investigations weekly newsletter


This is the District 3 Criminal Investigations weekly newsletter.

Allison Steppe 03/12/1992   Yenge Chastel Mpongo 11/16/95  Zola Emmanuel Spence 1/4/88

Allison Steppe_03_12-92                          Yenge Chastel Mpongo 11_16_95                                                 Zola Emmanuel Spence 01_04_88

This week District 3 Organized Retail Theft Investigators obtained warrants on Allison Steppe, Yenge Mopongo and Zola Spence charging them with 1 count each of Felony Larceny,  4 Counts each of Conspiracy to Commit Felony Larceny, 4 counts each of Felony Larceny Remove, Destroy or Deactivate a Component of an Anti-Shoplifting Device or Inventory Control Device and 2 counts each of Obtaining Property By False Pretenses.. These suspects are members of a booster group that has been very active in the City of Durham particularly District 3. They go into retail stores within the district and remove to the anti-theft devices from an item then proceed to leave the store usually undetected. They then take the item back to the stores customer service where they present the property as their own without a receipt in an attempt to exchange the property for a store gift card (unbelievable but true). If for some reason this tactic does not work then they take the property to a local pawn shop and sell the property. Unfortunately for these guys they tried to it one too many times and they have been positively identified and they will be hearing from us very soon. However, if you see them first, do not attempt to apprehend them because they work as a team and they should be considered very dangerous. Just call 911 and tell the communicator where you saw them and what they were wearing.

Anthony Jerome Brown 10-12-82

Anthony Jerome Brown 10_12_82

This week with the assistance of the U.S. Marshal Task Force we arrested Anthony Jerome Brown. Mr. Brown is a violent felon who robbed the Athletes Foot on University Drive in December using a firearm. He also had some other outstanding warrants. Mr. Brown is now residing in the Durham County Jail under a $850,000.00 bond and is awaiting trial.

There is a scam going around where someone calls saying that they are from the IRS and they threaten to sue you if you do not give them your credit card information. IT IS A SCAM!!!! If you have been a victim or if you have received a call like this please email or call me, I am tracking these calls. And I will be speaking with my friends form the IRS Criminal Investigations.


Don’t be an easy target…make sure you are taking pictures of your valuables and you are noting your serial numbers and putting that information in a safe place in case you ever need it.  Call us if you notice any suspicious activity or person. You call and tips help us to abate crime.

Sorry the newsletter was so long this week.
Until next time, take care and stay safe.


Sergeant K.L. Johnson
Durham Police Department
Criminal Investigations Division
District 3
8 Consultant Place
Durham, North Carolina 27707
919-560-4583 ext 29359 (Office)
919-907-9810 (City Cell)

Beware of IRS Scam

That time of year for another run of IRS scams. Beware. Residents in our neighborhood have reported receiving a threatening phone message yesterday, Thursday of pending action against them by the United States Treasury Department and if they do not return the call immediately, they will be charged with a Felony and brought before a Grand Jury, etc., etc.

They wisely contacted the US Treasury Office of Inspector General: and reported this and gave the phone number of origin from their answering machine. That number that was used was: 660-822-9012 .

The OIG Office is investigating and indicated that if  the residents receive more calls from the number they reported, they should ignore it or block it if possible.

Additional information below from our DPD:

Happy Thursday to Everyone:

I have received at least 2 reports today from District 3 residents have received a call from representatives identifying themselves as agents with the IRS or the U.S. Treasury seeking private information.  The number that was used is 845-259-9035.  This phone number has been reported as being part of a scam situation.

This is just a reminder- If a government agency (IRS, etc) has official business with you, there would be other contact such as a letter, etc.  If you have any doubt, before you give anyone your private information, feel free to contact that agency directly and inquire about the phone call you received.

 Please feel free to contact me with any further information or questions.

Thank you and have a great day.

Lt. Mark Morais
Assistant Commander- District 3
919-560-4583 x29354


DPD District 3 Weekly Newsletter

This is the weekly newsletter for the District 3 Criminal Investigations Unit.

Gary Allen Lafayette Glasco 09/07/90

Recently there were several vehicle break-ins in the Duke Forest Community. District 3 Investigators were able to link forensic and other evidence to Gary Glasco and charged his with 5 counts of Felony Break and Enter a Motor Vehicle, 5 counts of Larceny after the Break and Enter and 5 counts of Felony Conspiracy. Right now we have charged him with five vehicle B&E’s but we believe that he is responsible for several more within District 3. Our investigation revealed that there were several victims who did not report their vehicle break-in to the police. If you were a victim of a vehicle break-in within the last two weeks and you live in the Duke Forest Community please call me immediately. Gary Glasco was arrested without incident and is now awaiting trial in the Durham County Jail under a $15,000 bond.

Tony Bernard King 3/13/82

Tony King drives though the District 3 Community in a Black late model Lexus and goes through mail boxes specifically looking for checks and credit card. He was caught recently cashing a stolen check at a local bank. The stolen check was a taken from a mailbox on Bayberry Court. Currently, the investigation continues. King has been charged with 5 counts of Misdemeanor Larceny of  Mail Items, 5 counts of Felony Conspiracy, one count of Felony Obtaining Property by False Pretense and one count of Identity Theft. King is currently still residing in the Durham County Jail under a $35,000.00 bond as he awaits trial.

We have noticed a spike in Motor Vehicle B&E’s in the area of Spring Meadow Drive. The suspects appear to be looking for unlocked cars particularly those where the victims have left valuable items and cash in plain view. The suspects then go inside the vehicle and steal the valuables and leave the area. However, we have had some success in recovering some forensic evidence that was left behind by the suspects. The investigation is ongoing and we hope to be introducing ourselves to those guys in the very near future.

Please continue to report any suspicious persons or vehicles that you notice in the community your tips help us greatly so keep the phone calls coming. Let’s continue to work together to abate crime in our city.

Remember, don’t be an easy target…secure your valuables, lock your car, shut your garage before you turn in for the night and please leave a light on when you go to bed.

Until next time…be aware and be safe and have a great week!!!


Sergeant K.L. Johnson
Durham Police Department
Criminal Investigations Division
District 3
8 Consultant Place
Durham, North Carolina 27707
919-560-4583 ext 29359 (Office)
919-907-9810 (City Cell)

District 3 Criminal Investigations weekly newsletter


Quatisha Shanae Mitchell

Quatisha Shanae Mitchell_Feb2016

Last week, District 3 Investigators obtained warrants on  Quatisha Shanae Mitchell charging her with First Degree Burglary, Felony Conspiracy, Misdemeanor Injury to Personal Property and Felony Attempted Larceny. Mitchell is in the Durham County Jail under a $250.000.00 bond.

Last month (January 2016) the District 3 Criminal Investigations Unit with the assistance of the Durham Police Warrant Squad were responsible for obtaining and serving over 250 arrest warrants. These warrants charged a bevy of people on an array of charges. Most of these investigations were conducted in 2015 and either forensic evidence or suspect information was produced in order to effect the arrest.

We have seen a spike in break-ins to motor vehicles throughout the district. The majority of these vehicles were left unlocked and the thieves stole credit cards, identification cards and money. These break-ins are occurring between 8p and 1a and usually Monday thru Thursday. Please lock your cars before prior to going in the house and close your garage doors before turning in for the night.

Don’t be a easy target…secure your valuables and report any and all suspicious activity in your community.

Until next time.

Be safe.

Sergeant K.L. Johnson
Durham Police Department
Criminal Investigations Division
District 3
8 Consultant Place
Durham, North Carolina 27707
919-560-4583 ext 29359 (Office)
919-907-9810 (City Cell)

DPD Community Watch Workshop Upcoming

Safety to Take Center Stage at Annual Neighborhood, Community Watch Workshop – Saturday, April 16, 2016

Registration Deadline is April 8, 2016

The Durham Police Department Community Resource Unit (CRU) is holding its annual Neighborhood and Community Watch Workshop on Saturday, April 16, 2016 from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at The Carolina Theatre, 309 W. Morgan Street.  Session topics will include:  Online Safety, Watch For Me NC (pedestrian/crosswalk safety), Forensics Accreditation, Nextdoor/RaidsOnline, Citizen Observer Patrol and Police Protocols.

Participation is limited to the first 150 persons who confirm attendance by close of business Friday, April 8. Interested persons can click this link to the department’s website to register online – [Otherwise, on the left side of the home page,  click “Community Resources,” scroll down to “Online Forms”, then click “Annual Neighborhood/Community Watch Workshop.” ]  For more details and to register interested persons can contact                    Ofc. Curtis Knight at at (919) 560-4404 extension 29452. 

 NOTE:  A person with a disability may receive an auxiliary aid or service to effectively participate in city government activities by contacting the ADA Coordinator, voice 919-560-4197, fax 560-4196, TTY 919-560-1200, or send an email to, as soon as possible but no later than 48 hours before the event and/or deadline date.


Alert-ATM Cash scam reported

Good afternoon

Please be mindful of your surroundings when approaching ATMs and do not cash someone else’s check.

Earlier today a victim was walking up to an ATM in the area of South Square when he was  approached by a short dark skinned black male, 5’6” to 5”8”.  This male aggressively asked the victim to cash a check and was very persistent.   The victim reluctantly agreed, and was trying to assist a fellow resident …and guess what – the check bounced.

Investigators are working hard to attempt to identify and charge the suspect in this scam.

Beware and don’t fall for this!

Captain M. K. Bond
Executive Officer to the Chief of Police
Durham Police Department
505 W. Chapel Hill Street
Durham, NC 27701
O:  919-560-4322 (*29202)
F:  919-560-4971

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Alert-Burglaries Asian small business owners

A CrimeStoppers reward is being offered for information leading to an arrest(s) in robberies and burglaries targeting Asian small business owners throughout the city. These incidents have occurred at the homes of the owners of businesses such as nail salons and restaurants. The home invasions have been committed at various times of the day and night by two to five males armed with guns and usually wearing masks. Some of the victims have been assaulted by the suspects. The home invasions have occurred as the victims get home or a short time after they go in their homes. Anyone with information is asked to call Durham CrimeStoppers at (919) 683-1200.

CrimeStoppers pays cash rewards for information leading to arrests in felony cases and callers never have to identify themselves. The Durham Police Department is providing the following safety tips:

• Be aware of your surroundings. Be aware of what is happening around you at all times. Call 911 to report any suspicious person or activity.

• Call 911 if you suspect you are being followed. • Don’t flash large sums of cash, jewelry or other expensive items. They attract unwanted attention and may give a potential robber his target.

• Don’t carry large amounts of cash and don’t keep large amounts of cash at your residence.

• Travel in groups if possible. Avoid isolated areas, short cuts and deserted parking lots.

• If you have to use isolated areas, such as when you leave work late, have someone walk with you to your car.

• If you see someone suspicious, walk away. Go to an area where there are other people, bright lights or a telephone. •

Call 911 as soon as possible after the robbery. Provide the dispatcher with as much information as possible and stay on the phone until instructed to hang up.

You’ll be asked to provide the five “Ws” – who, what, when, where and weapon.

• Limit access to the area where the crime occurred in case evidence such as fingerprints might be obtained.

• As soon as possible after calling the police, write down a description of the robber(s), weapons used and the means of escape.

Marianne Bond, Officer, DPD