Category Archives: Crime Watch Updates

Tips from a Burglar on Protecting Your Home from Break-In

Hello Neighbors,

The Rosen Report on NBC this morning interviewed an incarcerated home burglar who gave some great tips for homeowners on crime prevention:

>  He and other burglars usually make their hits during the day between 8 AM and 2 PM . Usually by 8 AM adults are off to work and kids off to school, so no one is at home. By 2 PM or later the risk increases that homeowners will return home. Most burglars do not want to get caught. However, there are those fewer cases where thieves may break in to an occupied residence.

  • TIP: If you are home when a burglar  breaks in, or come upon a burglary in progress, do NOT confront, but leave immediately, call for help and call 911.

> Homes that have visible uncollected mail, packages, or newspapers and no car in the driveway are prime targets as they indicate no one is home.

  • TIP: Make arrangements to have any mail or newspaper service stopped or picked up by a neighbor also have the trash bins placed on the curb. Also, make an effort to arrange to have a vehicle parked in the driveway.

> Keeping lights on timers always good and may deter but do not make much difference during daylight hours, when many burglaries occur.

  • TIP: Make sure during the twilight/evening hours to keep blinds closed and drapes drawn to prevent visual access to the home interior.

> Homes often found to have open and/or unlocked windows, sliding doors and even main entry doors. This burglar said he frequently gained easy entrance without any ‘tools.’

  • TIP: Windows should be closed and locked when you are not at home. Same with sliding doors and main entry doors. Even when walking your dog, lock the door behind you (and do not forget to bring your key to get back in- my lesson learned).

> Homes with video cameras may be considered more attractive as they indicate there may be something more valuable in the home, and the burglar would put on a mask to be unrecognizable.

  • TIP: Maintaining a video surveillance system is still a good idea both outside and inside, as it may still be a deterrent and help the police investigate more effectively should a break-in occur.

> Homes with an alarm system may help deter a break-in, or speed up the time a burglar ransacks the home.  However, this burglar burglarized homes with alarms activated. Usually a thief hits and runs, getting in the house, moving quickly, seeking items of value and getting out within 1-3 minutes, and are long gone before the police arrive.

  • TIP: Keep an inventory of valuables and electronics in the home. Keep valuables and any cash locked up or hidden away and out of view to reduce being stolen. Electronics should be marked so they can be traced and recovered more readily.
One of the biggest deterrents was neighbors keeping an eye out for each other. This burglar was caught by a watchful neighbor calling the police . Neighborhood watch works.




DPD District Three Investigations Newsletter-03 Mar 2017

On February 20, 2017 it was reported to District 3 Officers and Investigators that Calvin Lewis Davis  2/7/69

was going in a building located at 3110 Tower Blvd (The green glass bldg.) pretending to be an employee. And while he was in the building  he would go through  purses and other belonging of actual employees and steal money, credit cards and driver licenses etc. The investigation revealed that Davis was caught on video going into the building and further investigation revealed that Davis and a co-conspirator Melissa Leigh Shearon WF 11/29/77 (not pictured)  were using the stolen cards at local stores and Southpoint mall. Davis and Shearon were charged with  1 Count Felony Breaking and Entering, 7 Counts Identity Theft, 7 Counts Obtain Property by False Pretense and 7 Counts of Attempted Obtained Property by False Pretense. Davis is in jail under a $28,000.00 secure bond. Shearon bonded out of jail. The development of these suspects also cleared cases in Raleigh, Cary and Siler City (Same trend) This investigation continues.

On 2.28.17, District 3 Uniform Patrol Officers arrested
Jatori Pettiford 3.28.98

for B&E to Motor Vehicles. Pettiford was caught in the PVA of the YMCA on Chapel Hill Blvd. While in an interview with District 3 Investigators Pettiford confessed to the initial vehicle break-in he admitted breaking in to three other vehicles. He was charged with 3 vehicle break-ins so far. This investigation is ongoing. This arrest was directly related to a vigilant citizen calling us and reporting suspicious activity and giving us a accurate description of this suspect. I am sure that you would agree that crime abatement works better when we all work together. Keep watching and keep calling.

We have noticed a spike in burglary cases throughout the district. The trend now is the suspects are prying bedroom and bathroom windows and prying open sliding glass doors.

Tip: If you lock your doors and windows this strategy will NOT work.

These burglaries are taking place during the day between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.. The suspect(s) usually act like they are looking for the resident by knocking on the door and

Ringing the doorbell before proceeding to the rear of the house and breaking in to the house. However, in each case where there was an alarm tripped the suspect(s) fled.

Sorry for the long narrative but I just wanted you to know what’s going on in the district. If you have any questions please contact me via email and I will gladly respond.

Until next time stay safe.


Sergeant K.L. Johnson
Durham Police Department
Criminal Investigations Division
District 3
8 Consultant Place
Durham, North Carolina 27707
919-560-4583 ext 29359 (Office)
919-907-9810 (City Cell)

Police Partnership & Crime Prevention 2017 Community Workshop

Hello Neighbors

Please consider attending this community workshop. Many have found this very helpful and informative. It also gives you the opportunity to meet and greet our Durham law enforcement, who provide great guidance on crime watch and police/community partnership.

From the DPD, Officer Mock below:

Please see the following attachments for the 2017 Community Workshop hosted by the Durham Police Department Community Resource Unit. Participation is limited to the first 150 persons who confirm attendance by close of business, Friday, March 17, 2017. Breakfast will be provided to registered attendees. For details and to register, contact Officer Lawanda Mock at (919)560-4404 ext. 29417 or 

Attachment(s) from Lawanda Mock | View attachments on the web

2 of 2 File(s)


2017 Community Workshop Flier with registration (2).pub

District 3 Criminal Investigations weekly newsletter_17Feb2017


District 3 Investigators arrested:  

Courvosier Cox (BM/11.07.99)

charging him with Felony Breaking and Entering, Identity Theft, Obtaining Property by False Pretenses and Felony Conspiracy. These charges stem from a vehicle break-in recently on Williamsburg Road. Cox was served 8 warrants containing 16 felony charges. He was taken before a magistrate and given a $5000.00 unsecured bond. This investigation is ongoing.

 After an extensive investigation District 3 Investigators obtained warrants on: 

Derrick Givens 11.05.83

charging him with a Common Law Robbery that took place at Duke Manor Apartments located at 311 South LaSalle. This investigation is ongoing. Givens is still at large. If you see him before we do please do not try an apprehend him, call 911 immediately.

We have noticed a definite spike in motor vehicle break-ins throughout the district. The one common trend is that most of these vehicles had valuable property in plain sight of the thieves. There have been several break-ins on the 7600 block of Fayetteville Road which leads to the trail. Please secure your valuables before leaving your vehicles and going on the trail. And rest assured that we are still investigating these cases and the suspects should be hearing from us real soon.

That’s all for now, until next time be safe and remember “Don’t be an easy target” secure your home, car and valuables.

Take care…


Sergeant K.L. Johnson
Durham Police Department
Criminal Investigations Division
District 3
8 Consultant Place

Durham, North Carolina 27707
919-560-4583 ext 29359 (Office)
919-907-9810 (City Cell)

“Success is not measured by things attained…but by obstacles overcome”

PAC-3 Meeting Upcoming Sat, 11 Feb, 2017

We meet with the Durham City Council. Please see attached agenda.  There will be no PAC3 business conducted at the meeting – this is our opportunity to meet the Council and learn more about future needs, budgeting and goals for the City of Durham.  

And on another IMPORTANT note:  PAC3 needs you! 

Elections for PAC3 officers will take place at our April 8, 2017 meeting.  Positions for election are Co-Facilitator (1 opening), Secretary (2 openings), Treasurer (1 opening) and Member at Large (1 opening).  One of the Secretary openings is for a one-year term; all other positions are two-year terms.  I’ve attached the portion of PAC3 bylaws that outlines each position. 

PAC3’s continued success depends on everyone’s involvement.   Please consider taking on a leadership role – the officer’s whose terms do not expire until 2018 will be more than happy to guide you.  If you have ANY QUESTIONS about an office, please feel free to contact our retiring Co-Faciliator, Conni Rivers.  She may be reached at or 919-294-6703.

See you at Coffee with Council this coming Saturday!

PAC3 Executive Committee

Attachment(s) from Conni Rivers | View attachments on the web

2 of 2 File(s)

PAC3 Agenda February 2017.doc

PAC3 Officer Duties Bylaws.pdf

Criminal Suspect Observed on Oxford Dr.

There was a delayed incident reported this evening of a criminal suspect on Tuesday before noon seen quickly going in and out of properties on the 3100 block of Oxford.

The neighbor reported noticing a guy walking up the Oxford Dr. hill from Princeton.  He didn’t think too much about it until he observed the person darted into a driveway and came out pretty quickly. He then passed the neighbors home and where he was watched from a window and saw him again go up the driveway of a adjacent to Kara and Jack’s home and into the backyard. The neighbor went out immediately and shouted to the person to come to out so the neighbor could talk to him.  The person took off and darted across another yard and then west on Bexley. The police were called and they had three cars on the street in about ten minutes looking for the person.

The description of the person was a slender light skinned African-American or of near Eastern descent. He had on what might have been a workout outfit, dark blue with some red piping and he had white earbuds on.

A reminder that when your at work criminals are also at work looking for easy opportunity to access homes.  Keep your doors and windows secured when away from your home.  An armed alarm system is the best deterrent to protect your home.

DPD-District 3 Criminal Investigations weekly newsletter


We have been experiencing a uptick in burglaries in the Hope Valley/Hope Valley Farms communities and on the Hope Valley corridor. The suspects have been removing the screens on the windows located in the rear of the residence, or they are entering unlocked sliding glass doors and back doors. The suspect are stealing electronics and jewelry these burglaries are occurring Monday thru Friday between the hours of 8 am and 12 am.

Right now we have no witnesses, suspects or vehicle descriptions.

Safety Tips: Be a good neighbor, if you see any strange vehicles and /or persons in your neighborhood 1) call 911 immediately and
2) make sure you give us a good description. And
3) remember to lock all your doors and windows and activate your alarm before leaving home for the day.
4) Notify your neighbor or family members if you are going out of town.
5) Here’s another safety idea: Take a picture or video of all your valuables and log all of your serial numbers this will assist my investigators in working your case and will help to get your property returned to you.

Finally, we have seen a spike in car thefts on University Drive, Chapel Hill Road, Kent Street and Carroll Street communities. The suspects are stealing cars that are unlocked warming up outside or cars that have the extra key left inside and using these cars to commit other very serious crimes.

Safety Tip: Please secure your vehicle. It takes less than 2 minutes to steal a car from your drive way and even less time if it is already running.

These vehicles are being recovered in East Durham and they are usually wiped free of forensics. We do have suspects that we are developing and they should hear from us real soon but until then don’t be an easy target secure your valuables.

Sorry for the long narratives but I just wanted you to be apprised of what is happening in the community.

Until next time, stay safe.


Sergeant K.L. Johnson
Durham Police Department
Criminal Investigations Division
District 3
8 Consultant Place
Durham, North Carolina 27707
919-560-4583 ext 29359 (Office)
919-907-9810 (City Cell)

Durham Police Department Launches Police-to-Citizen (P2C) Site

For Immediate Release: January 18, 2017

The Durham Police Department is launching its new Police to Citizen (P2C) online service to help people find information related to services provided by the department.  P2C will help people enter certain incident reports, perform simple searches and retrieve, download and print certain reports.  The site is located at

“We are pleased to add another program to enhance the community’s ability to work closely with the Durham Police Department,” said Police Chief C.J. Davis.

“This site will allow people to make and retrieve certain police reports at any time of the day or night. It will also free up officers to handle higher priority calls and spend more time conducting proactive patrols in the community,” she added.

Major features of the new site will give users the ability to:

·         Report Incidents – Provides online reporting of certain types of non-emergency incidents that occurred within the city limits of Durham, including larceny, vandalism, fraud/forgery and lost property. Once a report has been submitted, a member of the department’s Telephone Response Unit will follow-up within five business days to validate the report and provide a copy to the citizen for their records.

·         Event Search – Provides access to search and print specified reports filed since October 1, 2016. Available reports include adult arrests, and incident reports involving larceny, vandalism and fraud/forgery. Other types of incident reports may be obtained by contacting the Police Records Section in person, by phone (560-4423 x29441) or fax (560-4987) during normal business hours.

·         Read Daily Bulletins – Provides a quick reference list of all adult arrests and incident reports filed by day, once they have been entered and reviewed. These reports may take several days to show up in the system.

·         CrimeStoppers Most Wanted – Provides names, pictures and descriptions for a select list of currently wanted individuals, as maintained by Durham CrimeStoppers.

·         Missing Persons – Provides names, descriptions and photos (as available) of all currently missing persons from Durham since October 1, 2016.

Update Suspected Breakin Stanford

More details from the home owner on Yorkdale on the suspected break-in:

The home owner reported observing a young dark skinned man in a hoody peering into a house on the 3000 cul de sac block of Stanford at 12:15 past noon yesterday, Sunday, 22 Jan.

Then the home owner heard glass shattering and immediately called 911-Police.

No further details, but please continue to be vigilant and report anything you believe suspicious to the police immediately and let your block captain know ASAP as well.

Attempted Break In – Yorkdale

Police were called into the area today when a home owner on Yorkdale heard someone attempting to break in their home. Police were noticed patrolling the area around 1 PM actively looking.

No other details are available at this time. Please take precautions with securing doors and windows to prevent easy access.