Category Archives: General News

Power Outage on University Dr. / MLK areas

There are several traffic lights out and a road closure – possibly due to a fallen tree.

There is a road closure on Old Chapel Hill Rd between Winding Way and Knightsbridge Ct.

The traffic lights are out at the following locations:

· Old Chapel Hill Rd at Garrett Rd
· Martin Luther King Jr Blvd at University Dr
· University Dr at Westgate Rd
· University Dr at Shannon Rd

There are currently stop signs at most of these intersections and Duke Power estimates the full return of power by 6:00 p.m. Please use caution and avoid these areas if possible.

There are some police directing traffic at some locations but not all.

Dogs and Fireworks Warning

ATTENTION all dog owners

Please Please Please bring your dogs inside during the 4th of July fireworks. Every year we have reports of dogs jumping fences, running off, being terrified because of fireworks.

As one horrific example, last year during fireworks explosions, a dog, left outside jumped the fence, got hit by a car, thankfully was found by a neighbor, needed major $$$$ for surgery but DID recover.

All of this would have been avoidable, if the dog had been left inside.

Please consider this option: Play music, put the TV on loud, use a Thundershirt, whatever it takes to spare your dog and you the trauma of fireworks!

If you are out of town and need a pet sitter to care for your pets on the 4th weekend, call someone. There are plenty of pet sitters in the neighborhood.

Have a safe and fun 4th! And No emergencies, please! 😉

New Canine Waste Removal Ordinance

I hope this finds you doing well. I am reaching out to all homeowner associations & registered organizations in Durham on behalf of the County in the hopes you can share the following information about the new Canine Waste Removal Ordinance with your residents/neighbors:

 Starting September 14, 2016 dog owners who do not clean-up after their animals can be fined $50-$150. This law applies to any public property, public right-of-way or private property without the permission of a private property owner.

This ordinance does not apply to a guide dog, service dog or hearing dog accompanying any person with a disability.

 FAQ’s About the New Law

When does the new ordinance go into effect?

 The new ordinance was passed by the Board of County Commissioners on March 7, 2016.  The Board declared an educational period until September 14, 2016, at which time enforcement may begin on this ordinance.

 Who can enforce this new ordinance?

 As this ordinance is a non-criminal offense, the only enforcement action can be administered by the Durham County Sheriff’s Office.

 What are the fines associated with this ordinance?

 The fines will fall within the guidelines established under Article I, Sec. 4-9 which are as follows:

 A civil penalty of $50.00 shall be assessed for the first violation.

A civil penalty of $100.00 shall be assessed for the second violation.

A civil penalty of $150.00 shall be assess for habitual violations.

Who do I call to report a violation of this ordinance?

Call the Durham County Sheriff’s Office Communications Center at 919-560-0900.

 What is the criteria needed to prove a violation of this ordinance?

The determination of whether there’s a violation of the ordinance is at the discretion of the deputy who responds to the call for service. The decision of whether a violation has occurred, and whether there is sufficient evidence to identity the responsible party is determined on a case-by-case basis following an evaluation of all of the facts available.

 What options do I have to refute a civil penalty?

 A civil penalty can only be appealed during the process for collecting it.

 Where do you pay a civil penalty?

 There are two options for paying a civil penalty:

 You can pay the civil penalty to Durham County Sheriff’s Office Animal Services Division located at 3005 Glenn Road, Durham, NC 27704

Or you can go to the Durham County Tax Collector located at 200 East Main Street, Durham, NC 27701.

 For more information, please send your residents/neighbors to:

Also, we have printed infographics (see attached) that we are giving out to communities, please let me know if you would like some and how many you need.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Kind regards,

BRIANA LANEUVILLE, MBA | Public Information Specialist
200 East Main Street, Second Floor
Durham, North Carolina 27701
Office (919) 560-0003   |   Fax (919) 560-0020

Possible Rabid Fox in Dixon Rd. Area

Greetings Neighbors!  A resident of the University Estates area was visiting a family member who lives in the Dixon Rd. area when he was advised that they had noticed a fox that was acting very peculiar.  The fox was running in circles and barking at dogs.  They called Animal Control but by the time they had arrived the fox could not be located.

Please be aware of the possibility if you notice a fox especially in daylight hours that it could be rabid.  To call for Animal Control services please contact the Durham County Sheriff’s Emergency Communication Center 919-560-0900.

Lost Dog

Someone who lives close to University Estates lost their dog “Wasabi” last night. He’s a three year old, very friendly, Shiba Inu. He weights around 22 lbs and was actually spotted on MLK a couple of hours ago. A picture of Wasabi is attached and he is wearing the same green collar as in the picture.
Please call Camden Carver if you spot Wasabi: 919-691-7076
 IMG_1465 IMG_1466

Introducing UED Forums for the University Estates Durham Website

We are happy to announce a new feature for the University Estates Durham web site, the UED Forums.

The UED community forum is a user forum for posting questions, announcements or just general information on topics that may not be a best fit as an entire neighborhood news posting or crime alerts.

The forum allows for neighbors to post directly to the forum and everyone who visits the UED forum will be able to view the posted topics under several different categories.

The categories for the UED forums to start with are:

  • Gardenology – A forum for asking advice and giving tips on gardening.
  • Lost and Found – A forum for announcing lost or found items.
  • Neighborly Ideas – A forum for neighbor suggested activities for other neighbors to join.
  • Questions and Answers – A catch all Q&A forum.
  • Recommendations – A forum for recommendations of home service contractors or services.

Participating in the Forum

The link to the UED Forum can be found under the “Community Link” menu.

As a starting point for this new feature all visitors to the forum are allowed to post new topics and responses with no additional registration required. As usage of the forum increases we will evaluate whether registration changes will be necessary.

Posting New Topics

To post a new topic under one of the forum categories:

  • Select the forum that best fits your topic.
  • Scroll past the existing published topics and find the “Create New Topic in…” section.
  • You will be required to enter your name and email address as a minimum to post your new topic. Your email address will not be published in the topic.
  • Type in your title for the new topic.
  • Type in your text for the new topic.
  • Click on Submit.

Responding to Topics

To add a response to a published topic:

  • Select the topic of interest.
  • Scroll down to the “Reply To…” section.
  • Enter your name and email address (email address is not published).
  • Enter your response text.
  • Click on Submit.

If you would like to learn more about using the UED Forum and read the FAQ please visit the forum and view the “User Guide” document.

Block Captains Easy to Contact

Happy Spring Neighbors!

Hope this finds you all doing well. Your crime watch team wants to remind you that when reporting a crime, always first notify the police. Next, it is vital that you notify your block captain so they may get the word out to the rest of the neighborhood. 

To make it easier for all, we have posted under the last Contact tab a listing of your respective block captains by street block. Even better, when you click on the name of your block captain you are immediately linked to their email. See below:

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns never hesitate to contact your block captain or one of the co-coordinators.

Have a great and safe week.

Family Fun Fest, Saturday, April 9th

Family Fun Fest is this Saturday (April 9th) at Hope Valley Elementary from 11:00 am – 3:00 pm. It’s open to the public and really a lot of fun for toddler, preschool, and elementary age kids (and grown ups who like raffles and food) – and it’s in our own neighborhood!! There will be food trucks, games, performances, and raffles!!

Here’s the Facebook event:

Feel free to spread the word to others – and hope to see you there! I’ll be manning the bubble station at the beginning and end 🙂

Stephanie Zentz

Lost Dog

Temaginique Platts at 3207 Stanford Dr has Lost her Tan Pit Bull mix, 4months old named “Royalty”. Last seen on Stanford about 30 minutes ago. She wiggled out of her collar. 🙁 If seen please call (919) 252 2864 or email