Category Archives: General News

DPD District 3 Criminal Investigations Newsletter

Hello to all neighbors in District Three,

Jamel Tyree Lunsford 5/4/97

District 3 Investigators obtained warrants on Jamel Lunsford charging him with Robber with a Dangerous Weapon (Firearm) and Assault with a deadly weapon because he hit the victim in the face with the butt of the gun in the commission of the robbery that took place at the Golden Pizza on Chapel Hill Road. Lunsford and his friends are still at large and they have been committing armed robberies throughout the district. But the good news is he should be hearing from us very soon. If you see him do not attempt to apprehend him, call 911 immediately and tell us where you saw him and what he was wearing.

Carlos Devon Staton 4/29/93

After an extensive investigation, District 3 Investigators obtained warrants on Carlos Staton charging him with Robbery with a Dangerous Weapon, Assault with a Deadly Weapon with Intent to Kill Inflicting Serious Injury and Discharging a Firearm in the City Limits. These charges stem from a robbery gone bad where the victim was shot multiple times. This robbery took place in the Best Buy parking lot in New Hope Common. This incident was not random the victim and the suspect knew each other. Staton is still at large and he too will be hearing from us shortly. But if you see him first please do not try to apprehend him just call 911 and tell us where you saw him and what he was wearing.

Both of these guys should be considered armed and very dangerous.

With that said, remember the holiday season is upon us. Please be careful and remember to protect your valuables by not putting them in plain sight in your cars.

Remember to lock your cars when you leave them and at night park in well lighted areas.

Remember when you are going to your cars after shopping keep your car keys in your hand so that there is no delay in opening your doors.

That’s all for now, enjoy your holiday!

Until next time…stay safe!


Sergeant K.L. Johnson
Durham Police Department
Criminal Investigations Division
District 3
8 Consultant Place
Durham, North Carolina 27707
919-560-4583 ext 29359 (Office)
919-907-9810 (City Cell)

University Estates Honored with NNO 2016 Community Award

award-clipartUniversity Estates Durham has received the 2016 National Night Out Neighborhood/Community award.  UED was one of 7 communities in the entire United States to have this honored bestowed.  Despite the weather challenges and setup challenges this community was able to come together when needed most and have a most successful event.  I am so proud of all the volunteers and organizers.

We will certainly need to celebrate the accomplishment.

We would also like to recognize the Durham community of Earl Road which also was honored for 2016.  (See the complete list of communities awarded below.)



Partners Against Crime District 3 Meeting This Sat, Nov 12th


Dear PAC3 Members,

 We hope you can attend our monthly PAC3 meeting this Saturday, November 12 from 10 am to noon at Community Family Life & Recreation Center at Lyon Park, 1309 Halley St., Durham.

 At our October meeting, we heard from 911 and Uniformed Patrol about what to expect when you find your home has been burglarized.  As we continue our series on a Journey Through the Justice System our November speakers will be Investigator Maria Stevenson with the Durham Police Department and Angie Shuff, Forensics Manager.  We will learn about an investigation and the use of forensics – culminating in an arrest.

 An agenda will be posted on the list serv towards the end of this week.

 See you Saturday!

 PAC3 Executive Committee 

Posted by: Conni Rivers



Be Watchful of Copperheads This Autumn

Hello neighbors,

As many of us are out walking and exercising, gleeful of cooler Fall weather , take extra precaution to pay attention to where you, your children and your pets walk. The sunny balmy temperatures are luring copperhead snakes out to grab a little basking time before heading into hibernation .

Normally, we may see them on the street and walk clear, however, newly fallen leaves often obscure the snakes from view. Several small to medium sized copperheads have been spotted on Oxford and Stanford Drives today.

Just pay attention to where you walk. The snakes are not aggressive, but passive. Unfortunately they do not like to be stepped and will strike in defense, and young copperheads are just as venomous as larger snakes.

Spare yourself, your children, or your dog the snake bite please and just pay attention to where you and your family are walking. Better yet, consider sweeping the street of falling leaves occasionally on your block so copperheads are more visible crossing the road and more easily avoided.

DPD Criminal Investigation Weekly Newsletter


In the past month there have been 7 break-ins in the surrounding Hope Valley area.  Recently, as per my newsletters, we have been looking for a possible suspect vehicle that was described as a Red SUV.  We believe that that vehicle was recovered on Surry Rd. yesterday thanks to a vigilant resident. Further investigation revealed that the vehicle was stolen from a neighborhood in Northern Durham. It should also be noted that the keys were in the vehicle and the windows were down which led us to believe that the suspects were still be in the area. We waited and watched the vehicle for a while but no one came back to the SUV. Uniform Patrol Officers walked the area and checked for break-ins but fortunately none were found. That being said we ask that any and all suspicious activity be reported to 911.  We will happily send an officer out to check the situation.  We do not have additional information on suspects at this time but we will continue to investigate and patrol accordingly.

Take care and be safe!!!


 Sergeant K.L. Johnson
Durham Police Department
Criminal Investigations Division
District 3
8 Consultant Place
Durham, North Carolina 27707
919-560-4583 ext 29359 (Office)
919-907-9810 (City Cell)

National Night Out 2016 Hawaiian Style Successful

National Night Out 2016 was a fun Hawaiian Luau event this year. Even with the bad weather and threats of flash flooding, many neighbors turned out for a smashing event and brought some fantastic food. Thanks to all who attended and made this our signature community event. Check out some initial pictures in our photo gallery.

nno 2016 luau

Special thanks for our financial donors:
Joe Garza; Jeff Kanters; Carey Sharpe, Mary Ann Innacchione; Elizabeth and Fletcher Maynard.

Special thanks for those neighbors who stepped up and contributed their time and effort in the planning and working the event:
Adele and Savannah Addison; Joe Garza; Pauli Hensen; Mary Ann Innacchione; Kevin Jermyn; Jeff Kanters; Carol McKnight; Aidan Quigley; Lynn Shapiro; Michael Strader; Carey Sharpe; and Jay Zenner

A late thank you to Stewart Riley and Jennifer Taylor.

These neighbors are what makes this neighborhood great and are all to be commended. Aloha to all!

Neighborhood 20 mph Speed Limit

With school back in session we have more children on our neighborhood streets either walking or biking there way to or from school.  Also after school there may be more children playing in front of their homes.

Please help us keep our streets safe for them by keeping to posted speed limits of 20 mph.  Several concerns have been raised by parents as cars driving in the neighborhood have been well in excess of the posted speed limits.  More so on streets without speed control measures in place such as Yorkdale Ct.

We want to make this neighborhood safe for all our families.  Please drive safely.



Possible Stolen UPS Delivery

A household in the Bexley cul-de-sac (3000 block) has been unable to locate a package that was confirmed as delivered by UPS on Friday, July 1.  (The package was not being tracked, so its absence was not noticed until recent days.)

The item was delivered just a day prior to the break-in in the nearby Stanford cul-de-sac.