All posts by Jeff Kanters

DPD-District 3 Criminal Investigations weekly newsletter


We have been experiencing a uptick in burglaries in the Hope Valley/Hope Valley Farms communities and on the Hope Valley corridor. The suspects have been removing the screens on the windows located in the rear of the residence, or they are entering unlocked sliding glass doors and back doors. The suspect are stealing electronics and jewelry these burglaries are occurring Monday thru Friday between the hours of 8 am and 12 am.

Right now we have no witnesses, suspects or vehicle descriptions.

Safety Tips: Be a good neighbor, if you see any strange vehicles and /or persons in your neighborhood 1) call 911 immediately and
2) make sure you give us a good description. And
3) remember to lock all your doors and windows and activate your alarm before leaving home for the day.
4) Notify your neighbor or family members if you are going out of town.
5) Here’s another safety idea: Take a picture or video of all your valuables and log all of your serial numbers this will assist my investigators in working your case and will help to get your property returned to you.

Finally, we have seen a spike in car thefts on University Drive, Chapel Hill Road, Kent Street and Carroll Street communities. The suspects are stealing cars that are unlocked warming up outside or cars that have the extra key left inside and using these cars to commit other very serious crimes.

Safety Tip: Please secure your vehicle. It takes less than 2 minutes to steal a car from your drive way and even less time if it is already running.

These vehicles are being recovered in East Durham and they are usually wiped free of forensics. We do have suspects that we are developing and they should hear from us real soon but until then don’t be an easy target secure your valuables.

Sorry for the long narratives but I just wanted you to be apprised of what is happening in the community.

Until next time, stay safe.


Sergeant K.L. Johnson
Durham Police Department
Criminal Investigations Division
District 3
8 Consultant Place
Durham, North Carolina 27707
919-560-4583 ext 29359 (Office)
919-907-9810 (City Cell)

Durham Police Department Launches Police-to-Citizen (P2C) Site

For Immediate Release: January 18, 2017

The Durham Police Department is launching its new Police to Citizen (P2C) online service to help people find information related to services provided by the department.  P2C will help people enter certain incident reports, perform simple searches and retrieve, download and print certain reports.  The site is located at

“We are pleased to add another program to enhance the community’s ability to work closely with the Durham Police Department,” said Police Chief C.J. Davis.

“This site will allow people to make and retrieve certain police reports at any time of the day or night. It will also free up officers to handle higher priority calls and spend more time conducting proactive patrols in the community,” she added.

Major features of the new site will give users the ability to:

·         Report Incidents – Provides online reporting of certain types of non-emergency incidents that occurred within the city limits of Durham, including larceny, vandalism, fraud/forgery and lost property. Once a report has been submitted, a member of the department’s Telephone Response Unit will follow-up within five business days to validate the report and provide a copy to the citizen for their records.

·         Event Search – Provides access to search and print specified reports filed since October 1, 2016. Available reports include adult arrests, and incident reports involving larceny, vandalism and fraud/forgery. Other types of incident reports may be obtained by contacting the Police Records Section in person, by phone (560-4423 x29441) or fax (560-4987) during normal business hours.

·         Read Daily Bulletins – Provides a quick reference list of all adult arrests and incident reports filed by day, once they have been entered and reviewed. These reports may take several days to show up in the system.

·         CrimeStoppers Most Wanted – Provides names, pictures and descriptions for a select list of currently wanted individuals, as maintained by Durham CrimeStoppers.

·         Missing Persons – Provides names, descriptions and photos (as available) of all currently missing persons from Durham since October 1, 2016.

Update Suspected Breakin Stanford

More details from the home owner on Yorkdale on the suspected break-in:

The home owner reported observing a young dark skinned man in a hoody peering into a house on the 3000 cul de sac block of Stanford at 12:15 past noon yesterday, Sunday, 22 Jan.

Then the home owner heard glass shattering and immediately called 911-Police.

No further details, but please continue to be vigilant and report anything you believe suspicious to the police immediately and let your block captain know ASAP as well.

DPD Criminal Investigations Weekly Newsletter

Hello District Three Community,

The has been an uptick in motor vehicle break-ins on Erwin Road. In each case the victim’s property was in plain view of the thief. Please take your time and secure your valuables before leaving your vehicle.

 We are still noticing a spike in burglaries in the Snowcrest Road community. The suspect enters the residence through an unlocked sliding glass door and while the victims are sleeping the suspect enters the bedroom and steals small items (IPAD, jewelry, cash…etc) then takes the car keys on the way out. In each case the stolen cars turn up in East Durham completely wiped down (they do this so that there is no forensic evidence) with the keys still in the vehicle.

 For the last two months we have experienced an increase in armed robberies. They are happening citywide and in no specific locations. Right now the description of the suspect(s) is 2 or 3 black males wearing hoodies brandishing handguns. So please be aware of your surroundings, try to park in well lit areas and always shop with a friend or group. And if you happen to be a victim of an armed robbery, don’t argue, don’t fight them or resist them just give them what they are asking and call 911 immediately after the robbery.

Well, that’s all for now…be safe.

 Until next time,


Sergeant K.L. Johnson
Durham Police Department
Criminal Investigations Division
District 3
8 Consultant Place
Durham, North Carolina 27707
919-560-4583 ext 29359 (Office)
919-907-9810 (City Cell)

Durham Hosts E-Waste, Christmas Tree Recycling & Paper Shredding Event

Free and Convenient Event Open to All Durham Residents

DURHAM, N.C. – Durham residents looking for an easy and free way to recycle electronic waste, shred confidential documents, and drop-off of their live Christmas trees should attend the City of Durham E-Waste Recycling & Paper Shredding Event later this month.

The event will be on Saturday, January 21, 2017, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the visitor side of the Durham County Memorial Stadium, located at 750 Stadium Dr. Staff will be on hand to unload old electronics, trees, and paper.

The event, sponsored by the City of Durham Solid Waste Management Department, Sonoco Recycling, Shimar Recycling, Synergy Recycling, and Durham County Government, will accept nearly all electronic devices with a cord, including:

·        Computers, laptops, keyboards, mice, printers, monitors, speakers, copiers, scanners, circuit boards, hard drives, computer parts, etc.

·        Televisions, stereo equipment, tape players, receivers, amplifiers, record players, etc.

·        Kitchen electronics, such as microwaves, mixers, blenders, choppers, etc.

·        Telephones, cell phones, and fax machines

·        Hair dryers, curling irons, alarm clocks, and vacuum cleaners

·        Power tools, cordless tools, etc.

·        Electronic toys, such as keyboards and video game systems

·        This event will not accept large appliances, refrigerators, air conditioners, or any other appliances that contain Freon.

Confidential paper shredding will also be provided on site. Requirements for shredding include:

·        Paper may contain paper clips and staples; however, hanging file folders will not be accepted. 

·        Only paper should be brought for shredding. CDs, DVDs, and other non-paper items will not be accepted. 

·        All paper should be loose and not in binders or other binding items made of non-paper.

·        Residents may be present to observe their confidential document shredding if the amount to be shredded can fit into one 96-gallon roll cart (approximately 240 pounds of material or approximately eight small, banker boxes of material).

·        Participants with larger quantities will have items placed in boxes to be shredded off-site at Shimar Recycling’s secure facility. 

Requirements for live Christmas tree drop-off include:

·        Trees taller than six feet should be cut in half.

·        Remove all decorations and hardware, including tinsel, lights, garland, ornaments, nails, and stands.

·        Do not place trees in bags.

Residents who can’t make this event can still safely and conveniently recycle their old electronics at the City’s Waste Disposal and Recycling Center. The Center will also accept live Christmas trees at no charge from now through Saturday, February 4. Trees delivered after February 4 will be subject to the usual disposal fees. The Center, located at 2115 E. Club Blvd., is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday from 7:30 a.m. to noon.

For information about items accepted at this event or the City’s recycling facilities, contact Durham One Call at (919) 560-1200 or visit the City’s Solid Waste Management Department Web page

About the City of Durham Solid Waste Management Department

The Solid Waste Management Department promotes and supports a high quality of life for the residents of Durham by providing comprehensive, responsive, environmentally-safe, efficient, and cost-effective solid waste collection, recycling, and disposal programs. Department services include roll-out cart collection, cart delivery and repair service, cardboard collection, yard waste collection, waste reduction and recycling, bulky item pick-up, and disposal services. The departmental supports the City’s Strategic Plan by providing professional management that contributes to creating thriving, livable neighborhoods as well as an innovative and high-performing organization.

Partners Against Crime-District 3 Meeting Upcoming

Dear PAC3 Members,

We hope you will join us next Saturday-January 14, 2017  for the monthly PAC3 meeting.  Our meetings are held from 10 am to noon in the Community Family Life & Recreation Center at Lyon Park, 1309 Halley St., Durham.

Our guest speakers for the meeting will be Bertha Johnson and Ben Kittelson with the City of Durham’s Budget and Maintenance Services.

One of the objectives of Goal 4 of the Citywide Strategic Plan is to “Foster a Culture of Innovation to Promote Operational Efficiencies and deliver the best outcomes for residents    The City of Durham Budget Department wants residents to have more of a voice in the FY 2018 budget process.   The Department wants to take input from residents and use it as decisions are made in crafting the next budget.

To gather that information PAC3 will participate in a short exercise to assist the Budget Department in learning what residents think should be the first priority of the city:   they will ask our members to weigh the value of one service, like parks and open space, against another service, like bike lanes. The goal is to gather data from all PACs and present it at the Coffee with Council meetings which begin next month.

PAC3 will be hosting Coffee with Council at its February meeting.  We will resume the Journey Through the Justice System programming at our March meeting.

Stay warm!

PAC3 Executive Committee

Durham Winter Storm Watch and Precautions

Hello Neighbors, DURHAM, N.C. – The City of Durham is busy preparing to keep operations running smoothly ahead of this weekend’s predicted winter weather.

If weather and road conditions worsen and operational decisions are made accordingly, residents and City employees are encouraged to stay up-to-date on information about City operational hours, program or service changes, trash and recycling collection delays, and more through the following platforms available on the Durham Information Network:



·       Durham One Call at (919) 560-1200

·       Durham Television Network (Time Warner Cable channel 8 and AT&T U-verse channel 99)

 Beginning yesterday, the City’s Public Works Department started brining operations on primary City streets and bridge routes, and this will continue until the snowfall begins. Once the snowfall begins, the department has 2,000 tons of salt & sand mix and more than 2,500 tons of salt on hand to be used by two motor graders and 24 trucks outfitted with plows and spreaders for clearing operations. Public Works crews plan to operate in 12-hour shifts until all primary and secondary roads, bridges, and emergency routes are cleared. The department is also coordinating with the local NCDOT maintenance office to ensure that the State-maintained roads within the city limits are passable throughout this weather event.

 The City’s plan of action for clearing or reducing hazards on city streets is prioritized in the following order:

·       Bridges and overpasses throughout the city.

·       Major arterial streets within the city.

·       Streets to essential health facilities, police and fire stations, and critical community facilities.

·       Routes to two City fuel sites.

·       Streets within the central business district.

·       Clear access to Durham Public Schools.

·       All residential areas with priority initially to passage of emergency vehicles and then to all traffic.

 Residents and property owners are responsible for snow and ice removal in their driveways, apartment access roads, parking lots, and sidewalks. The clearing of private streets is the responsibility of the homeowners within that subdivision. In order to facilitate snow and ice removal on city streets, residents can help by adhering to the following tips:

·       Stay off the roads if at all possible.

·       Drive very slowly and carefully. If involved in a property damage wreck, motorists should pull off the road to prevent additional accidents and remember that it may take some additional time for an officer to respond to the accident due to icy road conditions.

·       If at all possible, park cars off the street or highway to let salt-and-sand spreaders pass with ease.

·       Treat intersections with malfunctioning traffic lights as four-way stops and proceed with caution.

 The City’s General Services Department Urban Forestry Division and Landscape Services Division will be on-call during this event to help remove downed trees on City streets and public rights-of-way. Today, crews are prepping all equipment, such as chainsaws, bucket trucks, and knuckle loaders as well as pre-treating some downtown sidewalks and primary walkways. Crews also plan to clear downtown sidewalks throughout the event as well. The City’s Public Works, Solid Waste Management and Neighborhood Improvement Services departments will support Urban Forestry’s efforts to help remove larger debris as needed.

 To report downed trees on City-maintained streets, residents should contact the Durham Emergency Communications Center non-emergency line at (919) 560-4600 unless the downed tree presents an immediate, life-threatening hazard; then call 9-1-1. Residents are urged to not touch downed trees or branches that are tangled up with power lines. Power outages and any downed power lines should be reported directly to Duke Energy Carolinas at 1-800-POWERON or 1-800-769-3766 (English), or 1-800-4APAGON or 1-800-427-2466 (Español).

 Weather-related updates for Durham Parks and Recreation’s (DPR) facilities, recreation centers, programs and events can be found on DPR’s website, Facebook, and Twitter pages. Updates will also be available on DPR’s weather line at (919) 560-4636.

 A decision on the collection of curbside trash and recycling for Monday, January 9 will be made early Monday morning after an assessment of street conditions, and if the landfill that accepts the City’s trash will be open. Residents are asked to leave their carts on their curb by 6 a.m. on their scheduled collection day in the event collections can proceed. If collections must be suspended due to road conditions, residents should leave their carts at the curb.

DPD Reporting on two Crime Trends in Area

Good Afternoon-

 There are 2 recent crime trends that need to be shared:

In the last week there have been several vehicle break-ins in the area of Academy and Cranford- near the Duke trail.  Items left in the vehicles are taken after windows are broken out.  Just a reminder- please do not leave anything of value in your vehicle.  This is a good thing to remember when you go exercise on the trail.

We have also had a number of packages stolen off porches in the area of S. Roxboro and Grey Elm Trail.  I know that the holiday is almost here but we wanted everyone to be aware especially if you are expecting a shipment.  If you see anything or anyone suspicious in your neighborhood, please contact 911.

I wanted to take the time to thank you for your continued support this year.  I also wish your family a safe and happy holiday season.

Best Wishes-

 Lt. Mark Morais
Assistant Commander- District 3
919-560-4583 x29354

PAC-3 DPD Sexual Assault and Robbery Postings

Good morning, 

The Durham Police Department released information last week about a sexual assault that happened on Swift Ave between Campus Drive and Duke University Drive. On November 30 at approximately 10:00 a.m. a male suspect pulled a knife on a female victim, who was walking on Swift Ave, sexually assaulted her and took her debit card. The suspect is described as a black male in his late 
teens to mid-20s wearing jeans, a gray T-shirt and a black flight jacket with a hood. He was approximately 5 feet 9 inches to six feet tall and was clean-shaven. A photo of a male using the victim’s debit card at a local store is attached. 

Also, Duke University Police are investigating a robbery that happened in Duke Gardens on December 10th around 12:24 p.m. This suspect used a knife and taser during the robbery. Although the race was not released, the suspect is described as standing 6 feet tall with a thin to medium build. He was reportedly in his late 30s, clean-shaven, with short to medium hair. The victim told police the suspect was wearing a black sweatshirt with white lettering on the front and dark blue jeans. If you have any information please contact Duke Police at (919) 684-2444. 

At this time it is not known if these two cases are related. 

The National Crime Prevention Council has the following tips related to personal safety: 

– Don’t walk or jog early in the morning or late at night when the streets are deserted 
– When out at night, try to have a friend walk with you. 
– Carry only the money you’ll need on a particular day. 
– Don’t display your cash or any other inviting targets such as pagers, cell phones, hand-held electronic games, or expensive jewelry and clothing. 
– If you think someone is following you, switch directions or cross the street. If the person continues to follow you, move quickly toward an open store or restaurant or a lighted house. Don’t be afraid to yell for help. 
– Try to park in well-lighted areas with good visibility and close to walkways, stores, and people. 
– Make sure you have your key out as you approach your door. 
– Always lock your car, even if it’s in your own driveway; never leave your motor running. 
– Do everything you can to keep a stranger from getting into your car or to keep a stranger from forcing you into his or her car. 
– If someone tries to rob you, give up your property—don’t give up your life. 
– If you are robbed or assaulted, report the crime to the police. Try to describe the attacker accurately. 
– Your actions can help prevent someone else from becoming a victim 

I have attached a robbery prevention flyer and a photo of the suspect from the November 30th assault/robbery. Anyone with information is asked to call Durham Crime Stoppers at 919-683-1200. 

Please be safe and if you see something suspicious call 911. Lets look out for our neighbors.

Captain M. K. Bond
Executive Officer to the Chief of Police
Durham Police Department
505 W. Chapel Hill Street
Durham, NC 27701
O:  919-560-4322 (*29202)
F:  919-560-4971