All posts by Jeff Kanters

Durham prepares for winter storm

DURHAM, N.C. – The City of Durham is busy preparing to keep operations running smoothly ahead of tomorrow’s predicted winter weather. If weather and road conditions worsen and operational decisions are made accordingly, residents and City employees are encouraged to stay up-to-date on information about City operational hours, program and service changes, trash and recycling collection delays, and more through the following ways:

  • Durham One Call at (919) 560-1200
  • Durham Television Network (Time Warner Cable channel 8 and AT&T U-verse channel 99) The City’s Public Works Department has 22 trucks ready for salting and sanding city streets and will operate in 12-hour shifts until crews get all primary and secondary roads, bridges, and emergency routes cleared. The department is also coordinating with the local NCDOT maintenance office to ensure that State-maintained roads within the city limits are passable throughout this weather event. The City’s plan of action for clearing or reducing hazards on city streets is prioritized in the following order:
  •  Bridges and overpasses throughout the city.
  • Major arterial streets within the city.
  • Streets to essential health facilities, police and fire stations, and critical community facilities.
  • Routes to two City fuel sites.
  • Streets within the central business district.
  • Clear access to Durham Public Schools.
  • All residential areas with priority initially to passage of emergency vehicles and then to all traffic.Residents and property owners are responsible for snow and ice removal in their driveways, apartment access roads, parking lots, and sidewalks. The clearing of private streets is the responsibility of the homeowners within that subdivision. In order to facilitate snow and ice removal on city streets, residents can help by adhering to the following tips:
  • Stay off the roads if at all possible.
  • Drive very slowly and carefully. If involved in a property damage wreck, motorists should pull off the road to prevent additional accidents and remember that it may take some additional time for an officer to respond to the accident due to icy road conditions.
  • If at all possible, park cars off the street or highway to let salt-and-sand spreaders pass with ease.
  • Treat intersections with malfunctioning traffic lights as four-way stops and proceed with caution.A decision on the collection of curbside trash and recycling will be made early tomorrow morning after an assessment of street conditions, and if the landfill that accepts the City’s trash will be open. Residents are asked to leave their carts on their curb by 7 a.m. on their scheduled collection day in the event collections can proceed. If collections must be suspended due to road conditions tomorrow morning, residents should leave their carts at the curb. The City’s General Services Department Urban Forestry Division and Landscape Services Division will be on-call during this event to help remove downed trees on City streets and public rights-of-way. Today, crews are prepping all equipment, such as chainsaws, bucket trucks, and knuckle loaders as well as pre-treating sidewalks and primary walkways downtown. The City’s Public Works Department, Solid Waste Management Department and Neighborhood Improvement Services Department will support Urban Forestry’s efforts to help remove larger debris as needed.To report downed trees on City-maintained streets, residents should contact the Durham Emergency Communications Center non-emergency line at (919) 560-4600 unless the downed tree presents an immediate, life-threatening hazard; then call 9-1-1. Residents and property owners are responsible for downed tree removal on private property, driveways, apartment access roads, parking lots, and sidewalks. Residents are urged to not touch downed trees or branches that are tangled up with power lines. Power outages and any downed power lines should be reported directly to Duke Energy Carolinas at 1-800-POWERON or 1-800-769-3766 (English), or 1-800-4APAGON or 1-800-427-2466 (Español). For weather-related updates for any Durham Parks and Recreation (DPR) facilities, recreation centers or special events, call the DPR weather line at (919) 560-4636 and select option #9. Updates will also be available on DPR’s website, on Facebook, and on Twitter.

To find out about GoDurham service disruptions, riders should visit the GoDurham website or call (919) 485-RIDE (7433) for details.

Alert-Burglaries Asian small business owners

A CrimeStoppers reward is being offered for information leading to an arrest(s) in robberies and burglaries targeting Asian small business owners throughout the city. These incidents have occurred at the homes of the owners of businesses such as nail salons and restaurants. The home invasions have been committed at various times of the day and night by two to five males armed with guns and usually wearing masks. Some of the victims have been assaulted by the suspects. The home invasions have occurred as the victims get home or a short time after they go in their homes. Anyone with information is asked to call Durham CrimeStoppers at (919) 683-1200.

CrimeStoppers pays cash rewards for information leading to arrests in felony cases and callers never have to identify themselves. The Durham Police Department is providing the following safety tips:

• Be aware of your surroundings. Be aware of what is happening around you at all times. Call 911 to report any suspicious person or activity.

• Call 911 if you suspect you are being followed. • Don’t flash large sums of cash, jewelry or other expensive items. They attract unwanted attention and may give a potential robber his target.

• Don’t carry large amounts of cash and don’t keep large amounts of cash at your residence.

• Travel in groups if possible. Avoid isolated areas, short cuts and deserted parking lots.

• If you have to use isolated areas, such as when you leave work late, have someone walk with you to your car.

• If you see someone suspicious, walk away. Go to an area where there are other people, bright lights or a telephone. •

Call 911 as soon as possible after the robbery. Provide the dispatcher with as much information as possible and stay on the phone until instructed to hang up.

You’ll be asked to provide the five “Ws” – who, what, when, where and weapon.

• Limit access to the area where the crime occurred in case evidence such as fingerprints might be obtained.

• As soon as possible after calling the police, write down a description of the robber(s), weapons used and the means of escape.

Marianne Bond, Officer, DPD

DPD Crime Division News Update-09 Jan 2016


This is the District 3 Criminal Investigations weekly newsletter. As you know District 3 has been in a little bit of a transition for the last few weeks. And now we are getting back to business as normal. We welcome our new commander, Captain Robert Gaddy and we look forward to his guidance and success.

District 3 Investigators obtained warrants on Montre Jarontay Cates, charging him with a burglary which occurred on Oriole Drive in October. Cates is being charged with Felony Breaking and Entering, Felony Larceny After the Breaking and Entering and Injury to Real Property (He kicked the back door in order to enter the residence). Cates is still at large but we have a big surprise for him as he will be hearing from us real soon. If you see him before we do please call 911 and tell the communicator when and where you saw him. Cates is considered very dangerous.

Montre Jarontay Cates 07/01/1998
Montre Jarontay Cates 07_01_98

District 3 Investigators obtained warrants on Anthony Carr Jr. charging him with Robbery which occurred in the 1800 block of Williamsburg Way (The Mews Apartments). On December 30, 2015 at approximately 11:30 p.m. Mr. Carr and  three of his friends robbed one of our citizens as he was exiting his car in the parking lot after a long day at work. They took the victim’s wallet and cash and they made him hold his hands in the air while they held a gun to his face. Mr. Carr and his friends frantically left the scene in a Black Mitsubishi (We believe it was his mom’s car) at a high rate of speed. The getaway car was spotted by a vigilant Durham County Deputy Sheriff who was responding to the area to assist the city police. A short vehicle chase ensued and the vehicle was finally stopped by an overwhelming presence of law enforcement on Valleyshire Road. The occupants jumped out of the car and ran away together. But unfortunately Mr. Carr’s friends were faster runners and they ran away from the scene leaving him all by himself. Needless to say he was taken into custody. A search of Mr. Carr turned up the victim’s wallet, some cash and a firearm. Mr. Carr was charged with Robbery with a  Dangerous Weapon, Conspiracy to Commit Robbery with a Dangerous Weapon and Second Degree Kidnapping. Mr. Carr is still in jail under a $505,000 bond. The car was towed.

Anthony Carr Jr.  11/01/1997
Anthony Carr Jr. 11_01_97

Sorry for the long newsletter.

Don’t be an easy target. Secure your valuables and write down your serial numbers.

Until next time, stay safe and have a great weekend!


Sergeant K.L. Johnson
Durham Police Department Criminal Investigations Division
District 3 8 Consultant Place Durham, North Carolina 27707
919-560-4583 ext 29359
919-907-9810 (City Cell)

PAC-3 Meeting this Sat, 09 Jan 2016

To All District 3 Neighbors, Please join us this Saturday, Jan 9th, from 10 am to noon for our monthly PAC3 meeting. The meeting is held at 1309 Halley Street, Durham, NC 27707 (Community Family Life & Recreation Center at Lyon Park.) This meeting provides a wealth of information and is a great forum for citizens to interact the with law enforcement and other Durham City and County departments.  If you have a neighborhood concern, bring it!

If you’ve never been to a PAC 3 meeting, come see what you’re missing! The meeting agenda will include: Guest Speaker/Topic:  Bertha Johnson, Director of the Department of Budget & Management Services for the City of Durham, will present an overview of the 2016-2017 budget development and oversight process in preparation for our annual “Coffee with Council” that is scheduled for our February monthly meeting. Ms Johnson will include the following in her presentation:

  • How the budget is developed.
  • Sources of revenue for the City of Durham.
  • And how citizens can best voice their input.

If you have questions or recommendations to the City Council about the budget that you would like to submit prior to the Coffee with Council Meeting, please bring your questions in written format to the January meeting this Saturday. Your written questions will be submitted to the Council in preparation for the February meeting, “Coffee with Council.” Police and City Department Reports: As always the meeting will include reports from various City Departments and our District 3 Commander, Capt Robert Gaddy,Jr., offering you the opportunity to voice your concerns, questions and comments. *** Neighborhood Listserv Moderators: Please forward to your neighborhood listserv or website. Join us this Saturday. We look forward to seeing you. PAC3 Co-Facilitators JoAnn Comis 919-225-5176 Mike Mayo  973- 722-4772

About PAC3:Partners Against Crime,District 3 is much more than our name implies; We strive to educate and provide our neighborhoods in District 3 with the tools and venue necessary to promote a stronger, safer community, and higher quality of life. Learn more at:

Theft-Stolen UPS Packages on 12/28

A theft recently occurred on a residence of the 2800 Block of Bexley.

A homeowner reported that he had ordered two boxes, one containing replacement blender parts and a second, some birdseed just before the home owners left town for a few days.  When back home, his wife came home from work on the 1/4 and noticed that sometime between late morning and 1:30 PM that both boxes were sitting on the hood of her car. The one box had been opened and emptied of its Blender parts, however the second box, while opened, still contained the birdseed. The police were notified and took a report.

It appeared both boxes were taken after they were dropped off by UPS on 12/28 without the home owners being aware, until found open and placed on the hood of one of the homeowners cars. While this appears a theft of opportunity,  it is particularly disturbing and unsettling that the stolen shipping boxes were returned to the residence in the manner they were.

The holidays are over, but there are still opportunities for theft of received delivery merchandise. Lesson to the wise, if you order anything you believe may be delivered while out of town, make arrangements to have the packages held until your return or be delivered to another trusted neighbor.

Please be aware, watch out for each other, be safe, and stay warm. As the song goes, “Baby it’s cold outside.”

PAC-3 Commander Tips on Preventing Vehicle Theft

A Happy New Year and good Monday to everyone!!  I hope that a safe and happy holiday season was enjoyed by all.

 Just some information- I know that we have been enjoying the spring-like temperatures in recent weeks but it looks like winter has finally arrived and with it comes a concern about vehicles being stolen.  With the low temperatures predicted at about 25 degrees in the next couple of days, we want to remind everyone not to warm up your vehicles and leave them unlocked in the process.  Last month we saw that there were a few vehicles stolen during this practice and want to caution everyone against warming up your vehicles in this manner.

 If you have to defrost or warm your vehicle, please be in the vehicle when you do so.  That minute or two that you leave your vehicle running to finish getting ready for work, or get a cup of coffee gives plenty of opportunity for someone to take your car.

 Thank you for all that you have done in the past and we look forward to working with you in 2016! 

 Lt. Mark Morais
Assistant Commander- District 3
919-560-4583 x29354




Announcing Award Winners of University Estates Holiday mailbox decorations

We had a great response of decorated holiday mailboxes for our first annual contest this past holiday season. Voting was tight. All mailboxes really added that holiday pop. The mail carriers also commented that they really enjoyed the decorations on their route. We did good! Thanks to all who voted.

And now the drum-roll please:

1st- Grand Prize Trophy for best classical ornate holiday theme:

  • Box #4 — Carey and Perry Sharpe, 3122 Oxford Drive

2nd-Judges Trophy for Innovative holiday contemporary design that also lit up at night:

  • Box #7 — Erin Richardson and Elliott Haucer, corner of Bexley and 3102 Hope Valley

3rd- Community Razzle-Dazzle Trophy for festive application of holiday bling:

  • Box #3 — Kara and Jack Watson of 3107 Oxford Drive

Each winner will receive a Target gift card for $15 this next week.
HappyNewYear2016_U Estates

University Estates Wins 5th Straight NNO Award-07Dec2015

Greetings Neighbors,

We are thrilled to announce that University Estates, for a 5th consecutive year, has won a national award for our outstanding participation in the NNO 2015 crime, drug, and violence prevention program this past August.

This year’s event involved greater than 40 million people in over 16,000 communities from all 50 states, US territories and military bases worldwide.  We were one of a small select number of communities/neighborhoods selected among the nation’s best to receive this honor again.

It is our hope that this degree of success will empower and inspire other communities in building and growing their neighborhood watch programs, and participating in this annual event.

The NNO celebration serves as one of our core neighborhood watch activities that keep us focused in unity with local law enforcement to make our city and neighborhoods safe and crime free, and improve the quality of life for all. NNO is an annual event for our neighborhood and takes a team effort to put together, so please consider joining a team in the planning and hosting the event this next August for our neighborhood.  All are welcome and preparations start in early spring for the summer event. Stay tuned.

 NNO holiday tree announement_07Dec2015

Stay warm and have a safe, enjoyable holiday season
University Estates Community