All posts by Jeff Kanters

Three suspicious men on University Drive

The following was reported earlier today from a neighbor on University Drive

My neighbor just came over to alert me that he had seen three young African American men walking on University Drive. He watched two of them walk into the backyard of the house next door. They then crossed his yard and stood beside his truck. When he opened the front door all three ran. Several times they looked back to see if he was watching them. They all had on white shirts, one had a red cap.” 

This is in the area of University between Hope Valley and Cornwallis that borders our neighborhood.

The DPD dispatched a patrol car.

Please be vigilant

Block Captain and NNO Volunteer Meeting Upcoming–Join Us

Hello neighbors,

BCMeeting Invite_08Jun2016Your Block Captain watch team meets four times a year, and invites those interested in being a Block Captain  to our upcoming meeting Tuesday, the 12 July at Epworth Church (3002 Hope Valley Road), 1st  floor meeting room, starting at 6:30 PM to 7:30PM. You will have an opportunity to meet current block captains, as well as be given information on the role of the watch co-coordinators and block captains in our community crime watch program. The Epworth parking lot and church is easily accessed right off of the 3000 block of Oxford Drive.

As a bonus, and immediately following the block captain meeting, we will be having a second National Night Out 2016 volunteer meeting for those interested in helping out at this annual event, starting at 7:30PM-8:30PM. This year’s event has a great theme and promises a surprise or two. Volunteers are needed.

Here is a hint of the NNO theme this year:
NNO2016logofor BC invite_08June2016

Attempted Robbery Tobacco Trail–Father and Young Son

From Marianne Bond of the DPD. This impacts those in our neighborhood who use the Tobacco trail, and precautions to take:

On June 7, 2016, at approximately 8:00 p.m., an adult male and his young son were exercising on the American Tobacco Trail. They were approached by three males, one implied he had a gun and demanded money. The adult victim was punched, but he was able to pick up his son and run away.
The suspects took the young victim’s bicycle and were last seen on E. Cornwallis Rd near Industry Lane.

The suspects are described below:
#1 – black male, 6’ to 6’2”, 16-18 years old, lighter spots on his face, black hat, gray sweatshirt, and jeans
#2 and #3 – black males, 5’8” to 5’9”, 16-18 years old, dark skin, one with a red t-shirt and the other had on a black jacket both wearing jeans.

Investigators are actively working on this case.

Anyone with information about this incident is asked to call CrimeStoppers at (919) 683-1200.  CrimeStoppers pays cash rewards for information leading to arrests in felony cases and callers never have to identify themselves.

The Durham Police Department would like to share the following personal safety tips:
• Be aware of your surroundings
• Call 911 to report any suspicious activities
• Do not walk alone
• Try to remain in well-lit areas
• Trust your instincts
• Do not walk/run with earbuds or headphones
• Bring a cell phone

6th Annual Garden Walk Invite

Hello friends, family and neighbors,

Just a reminder that this coming Saturday, June 11th Jeff and Joe are hosting their 6th annual garden walk at their home at 2807 Bexley Avenue from 9:00 AM to 12 Noon.

We will have iced coffee and lemonade for those in need.

The yard and front gates will be open to welcome family and friends to stop by at their leisure, relax, and blissfully wander through the gardens.

There will be some new additions in the meadow and woodland gardens.

The past year the focus has been to support our pollinators and nurture a more native landscape.

Look for the signage on the street in front of our house. We are just West off of Hope Valley.

DPD District 3 Criminal Investigations Newsletter


Keithen Ralph Benntte 10/21/95
Keithen Ralph Benntte

District 3 Investigators obtained warrants on Keithen Ralph Bennett charging him with Robbery with a Dangerous Weapon, Felony Breaking and Entering and Larceny After Breaking and Entering.  This case started with a burglary which occurred in the 1400 block of Valley Run. The homeowner came home only to find Bennett in his home stealing his valuables. The homeowner got in a fight with Bennett. However, Bennett was able to break free and run into the woods a short time later. Further investigation revealed the identity of Bennett leading to subsequent charges. Bennett is still at large. If you see him DO NOT attempt to apprehend him. Bennett is considered armed and extremely dangerous, call 911 immediately and give them a good description and the place where you saw him.

 On another note we have experienced more break-ins to motor vehicles especially in the Hope Valley Community. Most of these cars have been unlocked but all have had valuables in plain sight of the thieves. A couple of these cars were unlocked in the garage which makes it a burglary. Please put away your valuables and lock your cars before your leave your car for the night. It is always a good idea to secure your garage by lowering the door before you turn in for the night.

Remember don’t be an easy target…take care of your property and be safe.

 Finally, this is my last newsletter for a few weeks because of a medical condition which requires a surgical procedure. The newsletter however will continue and I look forward to returning very soon. Keep my family and I in your thoughts.

 Until next time…take care.

Sergeant K.L. Johnson
Durham Police Department
Criminal Investigations Division
District 3
8 Consultant Place
Durham, North Carolina 27707
919-560-4583 ext 29359 (Office)
919-907-9810 (City Cell)

Time for 6th Annual Spring Open Garden Walk


On Saturday, June 11th Jeff and Joe are hosting their 6th annual garden walk at their home at 2807 Bexley Avenue from 9:00 AM to 12 Noon.

We will have iced coffee and lemonade for those in need.

The yard and front gates will be open to welcome family and friends to stop by at their leisure, relax, and blissfully wander through the gardens.

There will be some new additions in the meadow and woodland gardens.

The past year the focus has been to support our pollinators and nurture a more native landscape.

Look for the signage on the street in front of our house. We are just West off of Hope Valley.

DPD Notice of Vehicle break ins Hope Valley Area

Good Soggy Morning to Everyone:

Over the weekend, we had 7 vehicle break-ins around the Hope Valley area.  2 of those were done when the vehicles were actually sitting in the garages.  At this time, none of them had any signs of forced entry or damage.  District 3 Investigators are currently following up on leads in these cases.

Just a few tips:

1. Do not leave anything of value in your vehicle. 

2. ALWAYS lock your vehicle- no matter where it is parked or how secure you think the area is.  Yes, lock your car while in the garage……

3. If you are not currently in your garage, secure the doors.  It is spring time and many of us are doing yard work, gardening, etc and leave our garages open.  Suspects will take advantage of the situation.

4. As we always stress, you know who belongs in your neighborhoods. Call 911 if someone or something seems out of place.  We would be happy to investigate it for you.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you.

Lt. Mark Morais
Assistant Commander- District 3
919-560-4583 x29354

Durham Police Department’s 1st quarter 2016 report

From Officer Bond of the DPD:

Interim Police Chief Larry Smith presented the Durham Police Department’s 1st quarter 2016 report earlier this month to Durham City Council. The report includes updates on the department’s six performance measures (Part 1 index crime, violent crime, property crime, clearance rates, staffing levels and response time to priority 1 calls) as well as highlights from the 1st quarter.

You can read the report here

The PowerPoint presentation is available here –

District 3 Criminal Investigations Weekly Newsletter


 Jeremy Devon Riddick 09/11/93
Jeremy Devon Riddick

After an extensive investigation which included other agencies, District 3 Investigators obtained warrants on Jeremy Riddick charging him with one count of Assault with a Deadly Weapon with Intent to Kill Inflicting Serious Injury, Assault by Pointing a Gun and Robbery With A Dangerous Weapon. In January 2016, Riddick walked up to a Hispanic victim brandishing a handgun while the victim was leisurely sitting in front of his apartment and demanded money from the victim. The victim took out his wallet to give it to the suspect, Riddick began to shoot the victim several times. The victim survived but our investigation was able to develop and locate Riddick and now he lives with the Durham County Sheriff as it turns out other detectives were looking for this guy. Riddick is under a $6,500,000.00. Riddick is also a burglary suspect in several District 3 burglaries our investigation continues and he will be hearing from us again shortly.

 Ladarius Samuel 5/24/98
Ladarious Samuel

District 3 Criminal Investigations have obtained warrants on Ladarius Samuel charging him with Robbery with a Dangerous Weapon, Felony Conspiracy and Assault By Pointing A Gun. This is an ongoing investigation as we continue to uncover suspects involved in a spree of recent armed robberies involving our Hispanic citizens. Samuel is still at large and we think that he commits these crimes with a least 2 or as many as 4 other suspects. If you see him do not attempt to apprehend him. Call 911 immediately. Samuel should be considered armed and

 Until next time,

Sergeant K.L. Johnson
Durham Police Department
Criminal Investigations Division
District 3
8 Consultant Place
Durham, North Carolina 27707
919-560-4583 ext 29359 (Office)
919-907-9810 (City Cell)

National Night Out Notice from DPD

America’s Night Out Against Crime set for August 2
Police Department National Night Out Registration Ends July 8
Registration is underway for Durham’s observance of National Night Out (NNO), America’s Night Out Against Crime on Tuesday, August 2, 2016. Neighborhoods, agencies and businesses are encouraged to support the celebration by organizing or sponsoring a NNO event or promotion. The evening of August 2 residents are asked to lock their doors, turn on outside lights and spend the evening outside with neighbors and law enforcement and public safety partners.

Neighborhoods typically host events such as block parties, cookouts, parades, flashlight walks, contests, youth activities and anti-crime campaigns.

NNO is a collaborative effort to promote involvement in crime prevention activities, police-community partnerships, and neighborhood unity. The National Association of Town Watch (NATW), which spearheads the observance, anticipates NNO 2016 will involve over 16,000 communities and 38 million participants from all 50 states, U.S. territories, Canadian cities and military bases around the world.

Durham Police Department’s NNO registration deadline is Friday, July 8, 2016. For registration and observance information, go to and click the link above the NNO logo (right side of homepage).

Local NNO registrations are separate from registrations with NATW. Direct NNO inquiries to Durham Police Department’s Public Affairs Office at (919) 560-4322 or email