Dear PAC3 Members,
We hope you will join us next Saturday-January 14, 2017 for the monthly PAC3 meeting. Our meetings are held from 10 am to noon in the Community Family Life & Recreation Center at Lyon Park, 1309 Halley St., Durham.
Our guest speakers for the meeting will be Bertha Johnson and Ben Kittelson with the City of Durham’s Budget and Maintenance Services.
One of the objectives of Goal 4 of the Citywide Strategic Plan is to “Foster a Culture of Innovation to Promote Operational Efficiencies and deliver the best outcomes for residents The City of Durham Budget Department wants residents to have more of a voice in the FY 2018 budget process. The Department wants to take input from residents and use it as decisions are made in crafting the next budget.
To gather that information PAC3 will participate in a short exercise to assist the Budget Department in learning what residents think should be the first priority of the city: they will ask our members to weigh the value of one service, like parks and open space, against another service, like bike lanes. The goal is to gather data from all PACs and present it at the Coffee with Council meetings which begin next month.
PAC3 will be hosting Coffee with Council at its February meeting. We will resume the Journey Through the Justice System programming at our March meeting.
Stay warm!
PAC3 Executive Committee