- Maintain, monitor and coordinate the Neighborhood Watch program.
- Organize Area Captains to best cover the neighborhood and recruit replacement Area Captains when positions open up.
- Maintain a current master list of emails, names, addresses, and phone numbers of each street or block.
- Schedule periodic quarterly meetings with Area Captains.
- Schedule annual meetings with all watch area residents.Ensure the securing of a meeting place for meetings (church, school, civic center, etc.).
- Act as a liaison between Watch members, law enforcement officers, civic groups, and Area Captains.
- Submit crime watch sign requests.
- Involve others to develop specific crime prevention projects and strategies.
- Encourage participation in “Operation Identification,” a nationwide program in which personal property is marked indelibly with a unique identifying number to permit positive identification if valuables are lost or stolen.
- Promote National Night Out and encourage involvement.