Category Archives: General News

Celebrate Safely on Independence Day

The Durham Police Department (DPD) encourages residents to observe the July 4th holiday with safety as a priority.  As families and friends prepare to gather for fireworks, concerts, festivals, cookouts, etc., the police department promotes awareness of, and adherence to, the following laws and tips related to gun, pedestrian and motor safety and reporting non-emergency and nuisance issues.


Gun Safety

> celebratory gunfire (the act of pointing a gun towards the sky and firing shots into the air to commemorate an event or holiday) is unsafe and against the law. Bullets shot in to the air eventually come down and can damage property or cause serious injury or death.  In Durham, anyone caught firing a gun into the air could be charged with a CLASS 3 misdemeanor and face a fine of up to $500.

> Keep firearms away from children and in a safe location.

> If leaving town, hide and lock your gun(s).

> Report any illegal firearms activity immediately. CALL 911.


Pedestrian and Motor Safety


Did you know that on average, about 160 pedestrians and 20 bicyclists are killed each year in the North Carolina, representing about 15% of all traffic fatalities that occur on North Carolina roads?  One in four vehicle-pedestrian crashes in the Triangle happen when the car is turning at an intersection or driveway. Nearly one in three vehicle-pedestrian crashes in the Triangle happen in parking lots. More than half of all vehicle-pedestrian crashes in the Triangle occur near bus stops or on roads with bus routes.

 Driver Laws

> Drivers are required to yield to pedestrians at marked crossings and unmarked crosswalks at intersections except where there is a traffic or pedestrian signal.

> Drivers must stop for pedestrians at stop signs and flashing red lights and must yield for pedestrians at flashing yellow lights.

Drivers making right or left turns must allow pedestrians to cross first, unless pedestrians are prohibited from crossing.

Pedestrians or bicyclists on sidewalks have the right of way, so drivers must let them pass before turning into or out of driveways and parking lots.

> State law prohibits drivers from passing vehicles stopped for pedestrians in crosswalks.

> It is incumbent upon drivers to make sure the road is clear of pedestrians before pulling forward or backing up.

>  Do not drink and drive.

Pedestrian Laws

> Pedestrians have the right of way at marked crossings, meaning cars must yield to pedestrians. (§20-155 and §20-173)

> State law requires pedestrians to use marked crosswalks when they are provided, and it is unlawful to cross a street outside a marked crosswalk if the pedestrian is between two signalized intersections.

> When NOT at an intersection or marked crosswalk, pedestrians must yield the right of way to all vehicles.

> At crosswalks with pedestrian signals, state law requires that pedestrians obey the Walk and Don’t Walk signs in the same way a driver must obey Red or Green lights.

> State law requires pedestrians walking along the road to use sidewalks when available.

> When sidewalks are not available, pedestrians are to walk to the far left edge of the road facing traffic. Walking in this direction gives pedestrians the best view of traffic.

Use the Non-Emergency Number for Noise and Illegal Fireworks Complaints

The Durham Emergency Communications Center increases staffing on the July 4th holiday as call volume registering fireworks complaints increases. Such calls can overwhelm the personnel resulting in delayed answering of high priority emergency 9-1-1 calls. The highest volume occurs between the hours of 9 p.m. and 1 a.m. on July 4. Durham 9-1-1 is asking residents to use the non-emergency number of (919) 560-4600 to report noise complaints, illegal fireworks and anything else that can wait during these hours.

James Soukup, Emergency Communications Director, asks, That if is more of a nuisance call to call the non-emergency line. The 9-1-1 Communication Officers are trying to keep 9-1-1 lines clear for residents calling to report medical emergencies and other urgent calls. “We’ re asking that the public determine if it’s something they can wait to report. However, if it is an emergency, we still want you to call 9-1-1. The non-emergency line can be overloaded as well, however extra staff will on duty to minimize the wait time.

For additional holiday safety tips visit:     

Kimberly Walkier, DPD Public Affairs

Summer Block Captain Meeting and National Night Out Planning

The summer block captain meeting will be held on June 21 at 7 PM at Epworth Church.

Block Captain for Stanford Dr.
We are in search of volunteer(s) who may be interested in serving as a block captain for the 3100 and/or 3200 block of Stanford Dr.  Anyone who may be interested is welcome to attend the Summer block captain meeting to learn more.

National Night Out Planning
We will also begin planning for the 2017 National Night Out event scheduled for August 1.  University Estates year after year is recognized as a National Award winner for the community involvement in National Night Out.  Anyone wishing to participate as part of the planning committee is welcome to attend the block captain meeting.

Tips from a Burglar on Protecting Your Home from Break-In

Hello Neighbors,

The Rosen Report on NBC this morning interviewed an incarcerated home burglar who gave some great tips for homeowners on crime prevention:

>  He and other burglars usually make their hits during the day between 8 AM and 2 PM . Usually by 8 AM adults are off to work and kids off to school, so no one is at home. By 2 PM or later the risk increases that homeowners will return home. Most burglars do not want to get caught. However, there are those fewer cases where thieves may break in to an occupied residence.

  • TIP: If you are home when a burglar  breaks in, or come upon a burglary in progress, do NOT confront, but leave immediately, call for help and call 911.

> Homes that have visible uncollected mail, packages, or newspapers and no car in the driveway are prime targets as they indicate no one is home.

  • TIP: Make arrangements to have any mail or newspaper service stopped or picked up by a neighbor also have the trash bins placed on the curb. Also, make an effort to arrange to have a vehicle parked in the driveway.

> Keeping lights on timers always good and may deter but do not make much difference during daylight hours, when many burglaries occur.

  • TIP: Make sure during the twilight/evening hours to keep blinds closed and drapes drawn to prevent visual access to the home interior.

> Homes often found to have open and/or unlocked windows, sliding doors and even main entry doors. This burglar said he frequently gained easy entrance without any ‘tools.’

  • TIP: Windows should be closed and locked when you are not at home. Same with sliding doors and main entry doors. Even when walking your dog, lock the door behind you (and do not forget to bring your key to get back in- my lesson learned).

> Homes with video cameras may be considered more attractive as they indicate there may be something more valuable in the home, and the burglar would put on a mask to be unrecognizable.

  • TIP: Maintaining a video surveillance system is still a good idea both outside and inside, as it may still be a deterrent and help the police investigate more effectively should a break-in occur.

> Homes with an alarm system may help deter a break-in, or speed up the time a burglar ransacks the home.  However, this burglar burglarized homes with alarms activated. Usually a thief hits and runs, getting in the house, moving quickly, seeking items of value and getting out within 1-3 minutes, and are long gone before the police arrive.

  • TIP: Keep an inventory of valuables and electronics in the home. Keep valuables and any cash locked up or hidden away and out of view to reduce being stolen. Electronics should be marked so they can be traced and recovered more readily.
One of the biggest deterrents was neighbors keeping an eye out for each other. This burglar was caught by a watchful neighbor calling the police . Neighborhood watch works.




Notice PAC-3 Meeting Upcoming Sat, Mar. 10

Dear PAC3 Members,

Plan to attend the PAC3 March 11, 2017 meeting beginning at 10 am in the Community Family Life & Recreation Center at Lyon Park, 1309 Halley Street, Durham.

We will continue our Journey through the Justice System and our guest speaker with be Chief Magistrate David D Paschall.  He will be able to explain to us the process as a defendant goes from the police to court system and all it entails.

An agenda will be sent out before the meeting via the PAC-3 list serv.

See you on Saturday!

The PAC3 Executive Committee

Posted by: Conni Rivers  <>

Durham Launches New Emergency Notification System: ALERT DURHAM

 Residents & Businesses Encouraged to Sign Up Online to Receive Emergency Alerts

 DURHAM, N.C. — Whether it’s a severe storm, an Amber alert or a threat to your home or business, Durham residents and business owners now have an upgraded notification system where they can receive emergency notices through their phones, email, and mobile devices.

 The Durham County Emergency Management Department is encouraging anyone who lives or works in Durham to visit to register for the new notification system. As of yesterday, residents who had previously registered to receive alerts through CodeRed will need to re-register with ALERT DURHAM.

 The ALERT DURHAM emergency notification system will be used to alert residents about a variety of events, ranging from severe weather, fires, floods and other emergencies to more routine announcements, such as road closures and water utility maintenance. Messages will be sent on the preferred contact paths selected during the sign-up process—cell phone, SMS, home phone, email, fax, pager and more—to ensure real-time access to potentially life-saving information. Additionally, residents will have the option to “opt-in” to receive specific alerts they are interested in.  

 “We have a commitment to ensure public safety, community awareness, and emergency response. To uphold this, when critical information and public service announcements are available, we need to reach our residents as quickly and reliably as possible,” said Durham County Fire Marshal & Emergency Management Director Jim Groves. “The ALERT DURHAM emergency notification system allows us to disseminate emergency information across all types of devices ensuring residents have access to real-time public information when they need it the most.”

 About the Durham County Emergency Management Department

The department is responsible for maintaining the County Emergency Operations Plan, and is the coordinating agency for all emergency response/recovery force activity when the emergency operations plan is implemented, and is the agency through which the Durham County Board of Commissioners and the Durham City Council exercise the authority vested in them during accidents and disasters. For more information, visit the website or follow on Twitter.

Durham Hosts E-Waste, Christmas Tree Recycling & Paper Shredding Event

Free and Convenient Event Open to All Durham Residents

DURHAM, N.C. – Durham residents looking for an easy and free way to recycle electronic waste, shred confidential documents, and drop-off of their live Christmas trees should attend the City of Durham E-Waste Recycling & Paper Shredding Event later this month.

The event will be on Saturday, January 21, 2017, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the visitor side of the Durham County Memorial Stadium, located at 750 Stadium Dr. Staff will be on hand to unload old electronics, trees, and paper.

The event, sponsored by the City of Durham Solid Waste Management Department, Sonoco Recycling, Shimar Recycling, Synergy Recycling, and Durham County Government, will accept nearly all electronic devices with a cord, including:

·        Computers, laptops, keyboards, mice, printers, monitors, speakers, copiers, scanners, circuit boards, hard drives, computer parts, etc.

·        Televisions, stereo equipment, tape players, receivers, amplifiers, record players, etc.

·        Kitchen electronics, such as microwaves, mixers, blenders, choppers, etc.

·        Telephones, cell phones, and fax machines

·        Hair dryers, curling irons, alarm clocks, and vacuum cleaners

·        Power tools, cordless tools, etc.

·        Electronic toys, such as keyboards and video game systems

·        This event will not accept large appliances, refrigerators, air conditioners, or any other appliances that contain Freon.

Confidential paper shredding will also be provided on site. Requirements for shredding include:

·        Paper may contain paper clips and staples; however, hanging file folders will not be accepted. 

·        Only paper should be brought for shredding. CDs, DVDs, and other non-paper items will not be accepted. 

·        All paper should be loose and not in binders or other binding items made of non-paper.

·        Residents may be present to observe their confidential document shredding if the amount to be shredded can fit into one 96-gallon roll cart (approximately 240 pounds of material or approximately eight small, banker boxes of material).

·        Participants with larger quantities will have items placed in boxes to be shredded off-site at Shimar Recycling’s secure facility. 

Requirements for live Christmas tree drop-off include:

·        Trees taller than six feet should be cut in half.

·        Remove all decorations and hardware, including tinsel, lights, garland, ornaments, nails, and stands.

·        Do not place trees in bags.

Residents who can’t make this event can still safely and conveniently recycle their old electronics at the City’s Waste Disposal and Recycling Center. The Center will also accept live Christmas trees at no charge from now through Saturday, February 4. Trees delivered after February 4 will be subject to the usual disposal fees. The Center, located at 2115 E. Club Blvd., is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday from 7:30 a.m. to noon.

For information about items accepted at this event or the City’s recycling facilities, contact Durham One Call at (919) 560-1200 or visit the City’s Solid Waste Management Department Web page

About the City of Durham Solid Waste Management Department

The Solid Waste Management Department promotes and supports a high quality of life for the residents of Durham by providing comprehensive, responsive, environmentally-safe, efficient, and cost-effective solid waste collection, recycling, and disposal programs. Department services include roll-out cart collection, cart delivery and repair service, cardboard collection, yard waste collection, waste reduction and recycling, bulky item pick-up, and disposal services. The departmental supports the City’s Strategic Plan by providing professional management that contributes to creating thriving, livable neighborhoods as well as an innovative and high-performing organization.

Durham Winter Storm Watch and Precautions

Hello Neighbors, DURHAM, N.C. – The City of Durham is busy preparing to keep operations running smoothly ahead of this weekend’s predicted winter weather.

If weather and road conditions worsen and operational decisions are made accordingly, residents and City employees are encouraged to stay up-to-date on information about City operational hours, program or service changes, trash and recycling collection delays, and more through the following platforms available on the Durham Information Network:



·       Durham One Call at (919) 560-1200

·       Durham Television Network (Time Warner Cable channel 8 and AT&T U-verse channel 99)

 Beginning yesterday, the City’s Public Works Department started brining operations on primary City streets and bridge routes, and this will continue until the snowfall begins. Once the snowfall begins, the department has 2,000 tons of salt & sand mix and more than 2,500 tons of salt on hand to be used by two motor graders and 24 trucks outfitted with plows and spreaders for clearing operations. Public Works crews plan to operate in 12-hour shifts until all primary and secondary roads, bridges, and emergency routes are cleared. The department is also coordinating with the local NCDOT maintenance office to ensure that the State-maintained roads within the city limits are passable throughout this weather event.

 The City’s plan of action for clearing or reducing hazards on city streets is prioritized in the following order:

·       Bridges and overpasses throughout the city.

·       Major arterial streets within the city.

·       Streets to essential health facilities, police and fire stations, and critical community facilities.

·       Routes to two City fuel sites.

·       Streets within the central business district.

·       Clear access to Durham Public Schools.

·       All residential areas with priority initially to passage of emergency vehicles and then to all traffic.

 Residents and property owners are responsible for snow and ice removal in their driveways, apartment access roads, parking lots, and sidewalks. The clearing of private streets is the responsibility of the homeowners within that subdivision. In order to facilitate snow and ice removal on city streets, residents can help by adhering to the following tips:

·       Stay off the roads if at all possible.

·       Drive very slowly and carefully. If involved in a property damage wreck, motorists should pull off the road to prevent additional accidents and remember that it may take some additional time for an officer to respond to the accident due to icy road conditions.

·       If at all possible, park cars off the street or highway to let salt-and-sand spreaders pass with ease.

·       Treat intersections with malfunctioning traffic lights as four-way stops and proceed with caution.

 The City’s General Services Department Urban Forestry Division and Landscape Services Division will be on-call during this event to help remove downed trees on City streets and public rights-of-way. Today, crews are prepping all equipment, such as chainsaws, bucket trucks, and knuckle loaders as well as pre-treating some downtown sidewalks and primary walkways. Crews also plan to clear downtown sidewalks throughout the event as well. The City’s Public Works, Solid Waste Management and Neighborhood Improvement Services departments will support Urban Forestry’s efforts to help remove larger debris as needed.

 To report downed trees on City-maintained streets, residents should contact the Durham Emergency Communications Center non-emergency line at (919) 560-4600 unless the downed tree presents an immediate, life-threatening hazard; then call 9-1-1. Residents are urged to not touch downed trees or branches that are tangled up with power lines. Power outages and any downed power lines should be reported directly to Duke Energy Carolinas at 1-800-POWERON or 1-800-769-3766 (English), or 1-800-4APAGON or 1-800-427-2466 (Español).

 Weather-related updates for Durham Parks and Recreation’s (DPR) facilities, recreation centers, programs and events can be found on DPR’s website, Facebook, and Twitter pages. Updates will also be available on DPR’s weather line at (919) 560-4636.

 A decision on the collection of curbside trash and recycling for Monday, January 9 will be made early Monday morning after an assessment of street conditions, and if the landfill that accepts the City’s trash will be open. Residents are asked to leave their carts on their curb by 6 a.m. on their scheduled collection day in the event collections can proceed. If collections must be suspended due to road conditions, residents should leave their carts at the curb.

DPD Reporting on two Crime Trends in Area

Good Afternoon-

 There are 2 recent crime trends that need to be shared:

In the last week there have been several vehicle break-ins in the area of Academy and Cranford- near the Duke trail.  Items left in the vehicles are taken after windows are broken out.  Just a reminder- please do not leave anything of value in your vehicle.  This is a good thing to remember when you go exercise on the trail.

We have also had a number of packages stolen off porches in the area of S. Roxboro and Grey Elm Trail.  I know that the holiday is almost here but we wanted everyone to be aware especially if you are expecting a shipment.  If you see anything or anyone suspicious in your neighborhood, please contact 911.

I wanted to take the time to thank you for your continued support this year.  I also wish your family a safe and happy holiday season.

Best Wishes-

 Lt. Mark Morais
Assistant Commander- District 3
919-560-4583 x29354

Holiday Safety Tips from Durham County Emergency Management

Cooking, candles, decorations, electrical cords, and heating devices, are all things you can expect at a winter holiday party, but, they’re also fire hazards. Keep your holiday parties safe.

Fire Administration (USFA) tips:
• Test your smoke alarms and tell your guests about your home fire escape plan.
• Keep children and pets away from lit candles.
• Keep matches and lighters up high in a locked cabinet.
• Stay in the kitchen when cooking at high temperatures; like frying, grilling or broiling.
• Ask people who smoke to smoke outside. Remind smokers to keep their smoking materials with them, so young children don’t touch them.
• Provide large, deep ashtrays for smokers. Thoroughly wet cigarette butts with water before discarding.

Find Home Holiday Fire Facts, Christmas Tree Fire Safety, and other Holiday Fire Safety tips on the USFA’s Holiday Fire Safety page (…).

EM Coordinator David Marsee, Durham County Emergency Management