District 3 Criminal Investigations weekly newsletter


Over the past two weeks we have experienced an uptick in motor vehicle break-ins on the Southeastern area of the district. In the Hope Valley, Highgate, Montclair and Falcon Bridge communities for example.  District 4 has experienced similar crimes. We are currently working with the District 4 Investigators to develop a suspect. We believe that the suspect(s) are either riding a bike or moped or possibly being dropped off by car in to the neighborhood unnoticed.

The modus operandi or criminal method the suspect(s) are using is the same in both districts. The suspect(s) enter the neighborhood under the cover of darkness often after midnight and walk against the tree line or the foliage undetected. And after the suspect(s) are reasonably sure that they are not discovered they perpetrate the crimes by looking for unlocked vehicles and ransack them by going through glove compartments and under the seats. In some cases the suspect(s) will throw a rock through the windows especially those with valuables in plain sight. But there is a more dangerous problem, people are still storing loaded firearms (2 more so far this week) in these vehicles which makes for adverse consequences for the good guys. Right now we have no suspect or suspect vehicle information.

With that said, over 97% of these cars were unlocked.

Tip: So two things, please call 911 when you see any suspicious vehicles or people in your neighborhoods. Secondly, please do not leave any items of value in your car and take your firearm in the house when you leave your car for the evening.

Finally, people are still leaving their garage doors open during the night with their spare keys located inside their cars. We have cases where the suspect(s) entered the garage and then the residence before stealing the victim’s car. Put your garage door down when you are home and especially before going to bed and don’t leave any spare keys in the car.

That’s all for now…stay safe and practice good crime prevention.

If you need me, call or email me.

Until next time,


Sargeant K.L. Johnson
Durham Police Department
Criminal Investigations Division
District 3
8 Consultant Place
Durham, North Carolina 27707
919-560-4583 ext 29359 (Office)
919-907-9810 (City Cell)