District 3 Criminal Investigations Weekly Newsletter


I hope everyone had a very happy new year.

My investigators will be riding in the residential areas of District 3 looking for open garage doors. Last year, we experienced some burglaries where entry was made through the garage after the victim left the house or turned in for the night. When my guys locate an open garage they will walk up to the residence and offer a friendly reminder shut the door and other crime prevention tips. Let me know how they are doing.

Tip: Please don’t put television or computer boxes in front of your houses for trash day. When thieves ride through the area, they often target those homes for burglaries. Try to break them down and place them inside the trash can.

Tip: When we recover property sometimes it is difficult to return the items when there is no way to identify them. So, here’s a suggestion. Take a picture of ALL of your valuables, jewelry…etc…(when you take a picture of your television and computer make sure you take a picture of the serial number) then email it to yourself, the cloud or even to a relative.

Please continue to report any suspicious persons or activities.

Finally, if you need me or have any questions please don’t hesitate to call me @ 919-560-4583 ext 29359 or just send an email to keith.johnson@durhamnc.gov and I will reply immediately.

Until next time, be safe, lock your cars and please DON”T leave firearms in your cars!!!


Sergeant K.L. Johnson
Durham Police Department
Criminal Investigations Division District 3
8 Consultant Place
Durham, North Carolina 27707 9
19-560-4583 ext 29359 (Office)
19-907-9810 (City Cell)