Hello Neighbors!
Where did our year go? It is time for our 2nd annual Fall Neighborhood clean up day in conjunction with Durham Big Sweep on Saturday, the 07 October. This is part of Keep Durham Beautiful as well as our neighborhood.
While the designated date for the Durham Big Sweep is October 7th, some groups that aren’t able to clean up that day have already begun their clean up efforts! And you can too!
You are all on your own. Pick a block or a street and pick up any trash. You choose your own time during the day.
In all, nearly 400 individuals representing 22 groups plan to participate in Big Sweep 2017!
In the last five years, 2,200 volunteers have helped to clean up an estimated 57,840 lbs. of trash during Durham’s annual Big Sweep.
Big Sweep – October 7th
Did you know that a great deal of trash in the ocean starts at the local level in streets and rivers? Durham Big Sweep not only improves local appearance but also helps prevent this trash from flowing out to the watersheds and ocean where it can harm water quality and wildlife.
How does it work? With the sponsorship of Keep Durham Beautiful, Durham County Soil and Water Conservation District and City of Durham Stormwater Services, teams of volunteers choose a location such as a park, stream or neighborhood, and get to work picking up trash! City of Durham Neighborhood Improvement Services and Durham County General Services will also provide support for the event. Make this a day to show those around you how to be a steward of the Earth!
Let’s all do this! Have a great cleanup day!