Be Watchful of Copperheads This Autumn

Hello neighbors,

As many of us are out walking and exercising, gleeful of cooler Fall weather , take extra precaution to pay attention to where you, your children and your pets walk. The sunny balmy temperatures are luring copperhead snakes out to grab a little basking time before heading into hibernation .

Normally, we may see them on the street and walk clear, however, newly fallen leaves often obscure the snakes from view. Several small to medium sized copperheads have been spotted on Oxford and Stanford Drives today.

Just pay attention to where you walk. The snakes are not aggressive, but passive. Unfortunately they do not like to be stepped and will strike in defense, and young copperheads are just as venomous as larger snakes.

Spare yourself, your children, or your dog the snake bite please and just pay attention to where you and your family are walking. Better yet, consider sweeping the street of falling leaves occasionally on your block so copperheads are more visible crossing the road and more easily avoided.